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How To Set A Grocery Budget
1. Know what you are spending – Look back at your last 2-3 months of expenses and see what you have been spending per month on all your food, toiletries, and cleaning items. This is the budget you will start with! Have a number to start with so you can track how much you are saving!
2. Set A Grocery Budget Amount – Now you know what you have been spending, that is your “Grocery Budget” to start with. With a dollar amount on paper you have a starting point. If you are as shocked as I was, you might feel like you have no where to go but up!!
Next week… Lowering Your Grocery Budget
Highlights not to miss!
Workshops: See if there is a workshop near you!
Downloads: Be sure to download your FREE Meal Planning Template, others templates available too!
Getting Started: A page to help you get started in your savings journey!
Grocery Store Deals: Pick your favorite store and see what deals they have this week.
Coupons: Links to tons of printable coupons, coupon databases (to find coupons), and loadable coupons.
I feed at total of nine people. Our budget is extremely tight, I have a few diets for health reasons I need to stay on top of diabetes , cholesterol, etc. I have remained on a budget of feeding each person 3 meals per day for $5.00 each person. This is a tough budget for me to swing but I stick with it and the money always seems to show up somehow for the month. I have one that needs high protein one that eats strickly Kosher, one that is picky as can be all are growing like weeds and tend to eat me out of house and home but I always manage to put good food on the table. Thanks in part to great friends as well with nice wonderful free produce. I use tons of coupons and share my overages with others they share produce and other items from there abundance with us. Neighboors are great !