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Maximizing Your Grocery Budget
Buy Your “Needs” First – The first thing you should use the weekly budget for are the “needs” that aren’t necessarily a good deal, but you have to get. I include things like milk and fresh produce here.
Stockpile Good Deals – Now, the rest of your weekly budget can go to stockpiling. Since you have been stockpiling for a while, you should have enough to plan with what you have on hand and fill in your fresh produce with what is on sale.
When To Stop – You stop stockpiling each week when you run out of money! When you have used that weeks budget.
Prioritize Good Deals – I get this question alot… how do you determine what you will get when there are so many good deals? I usually start with the BEST deals that are staples, which are usually meats, since they are the most expensive part of my budgeting and meal planning. Then if I have any money left I include other good deals that I want/like but aren’t priorities. Then of course I get anything free, because even if I don’t need it I can give it away!
Use a Grocery Budget List – Be sure to write down all your planned purchases, and add up the total so you know at checkout what you are going to be paying. Use this great Weekly Grocery Budget List to get you started!
Highlights not to miss!
Workshops: See if there is a workshop near you!
Downloads: Be sure to download your FREE Meal Planning Template, others templates available too!
Getting Started: A page to help you get started in your savings journey!
Grocery Store Deals: Pick your favorite store and see what deals they have this week.
Coupons: Links to tons of printable coupons, coupon databases (to find coupons), and loadable coupons.