Couponing To Disney has a great deal scenario to get both the Up and Monster’s Inc Blu-Ray discs for only $4.98. Basically this is a price matching deal at Target (from the Best Buy ad), printable coupons and a few rebates.
Here is how it works:
Purchase both:
Up Blu-ray – price match with Best Buy sale ad for $23.99
Monsters Inc Blu-ray – price match with Best Buy sale ad for$18.99
Total: $42.98
Use Coupons:
– $8 off Monsters Inc printable coupon here
– $10 Up printable coupon here
– $10/2 Target printable coupon
Final Price at Register: $14.98 for both Blu-Ray’s or $7.49 ea!
To make this deal even sweeter, submit for the rebates Couponing To Disney matches up here.
That is a great deal!
I went to Best Buy first this morning, and Monsters rang up for $28.99. I had them check the price, which they did, but they held their ground. (I didn’t get an ad in my paper yesterday, so I was relying on the online ad.) So I went to Target, and Up rang up for just $19.99! Monster’s was $26.99. With all three coupons, the total came to $18.98 plus tax for both. Combine them with two UP rebates (they don’t require original receipts, and Disney DVDs/Blu-Rays come with 2 POPs), you could get the pair for as low as $8.98. I’m still hoping for a Monsters rebate too!
I went to Target today to get these movies with the three coupons in hand. UP rang up at $19.99, Monster’s Inc. rang up at $16.99 (both prices with a note indicating savings), then the $10 manf coupon and $8 manf coupon were both subtracted giving me a total of $18.98 plus tax. The clerk scanned the Target $10 coupon and a friend that was with me noticed that it rang up at $0.00 off, but this wasn’t fully realized until after the transaction was completed. The manager had already confirmed that I could use all three coupons so he rescanned the Target coupon and refunded me $10.00. SO, with tax included, I only paid $12.40 for both DVDs. If I’m able to complete the rebates, it’s possible that I will only have paid $2.40 for both. That is fantastic!! A great Christmas gift for my children.
Be sure to pay attention that the Target Coupon actually is subtracted from your final total when it’s scanned.
Also, I just noticed at the bottom of my receipt that Target will give you 5 cents off when you use a reusable bag.
Sally, I think you got an extra $10 off by mistake. Monsters rang up at $16.99 for me also, but that was reflective of the “$10 off when you buy both” deal. (Ad price was $26.99.) The coupon scanned as $0 off because you didn’t really need the coupon (it was already set up in the system to take the $10 off). An honest mistake, I’m sure, because Target’s receipts are rather confusing in the way they list coupons/deals.
I’m just sayin’, probably most Targets will NOT give you the additional $10 off from the coupon.
Thank you, Valerie, for pointing that out. Interesting. The manager even studied the receipt and noted that it didn’t show the $10.00 target coupon coming off, saying that sometimes that happens. I thought that at the time I added the shelf prices up and the $19.99 and $16.99 from the shelf prices didn’t equal $10.00 off. Interesting that the manager didn’t know how to read the receipt either, but was well versed in the Target Coupon policy.
Target wouldn’t Price match Monsters, Inc for me because they said they don’t match their bundles. The cashiers did not want to use all 3 coupons but I stood my ground and a manager verified it was ok. Total for both movies $22.06 including tax. Now I need to mail in for my $4 rebate.
Thanks for all of the updates! I was wondering if Target would really do the price match for Monsters because it is a bundle in the Best Buy ad. The price for both is still a good deal…and I know what someone will be getting for Christmas
so there is not a target around with Monsters Inc anymore
Check out this post on updates to this deal:
There have been quite a few changes and a lot of frustrated readers

who can’t get the Target price match so there are a few alternatives.
Plus with the new $19.99 Target price, the deals have gotten better.