At Blissdom a few weeks ago, I got the unique opportunity to meet the CEO and founder of Ziplist. I got to hear first hand all about their product. It’s a really neat free online shopping list and recipe service designed to help shoppers get in and out of the supermarket quickly. Well, you know I liked that. Here are some details on what it does.
- Add to or Retrieve Grocery Lists Anytime, Anywhere: Access or add to a shopping list on the web, or by email, instant message or text message from a cell phone. Share lists with family members, even between several different mobile devices.
- Prioritize Grocery Items: Mark the most important items on your list. So, if you are in a rush and can only grab a few things, it tells you the most important items.
- Supports Multiple Lists and Multiple Stores: Create and save multiple shopping lists, as well as build and organize lists for specific stores in your area. You can also arrange items by aisle or category to make shopping more efficient and reduce back-tracking through the store to pick up missed items.
- Search Recipes and Add Ingredients to Shopping Lists: Search an extensive database of more than 100,000 recipes, then add necessary ingredients to your shopping list. You won’t need to print out ingredient lists or transfer them by hand to a separate shopping list. ZipList also recognizes many common pantry items, such as salt and pepper, so the shopping list does not get cluttered with items users already have on hand.
- Universal Recipe Box: You can save a recipe from any site in one recipe box on Ziplist.
Ziplist is providing 2 gift packs for randomly selected winners. I will announce the winners on Friday, February 26, 2010.
Ziplist gift packs include one Gro-Pak Chil Insulated Bag from Blue Avocado (color will vary)
and a copy of Everyday Food: Fresh Flavor Fast (Martha Stewart’s newly published cookbook).
Faithful Provisions Giveaway Disclosure: Ziplist sponsored this giveaway by providing 2 gift packs to give away to randomly selected winners. For more information about Faithful Provisions, please read my Disclosure Policy.
Here’s how to enter:
1. Leave a comment and tell us how you keep up with your lists. What’s your favorite Ziplist feature?
2. One entry per person per day (up to 4 entries).
3. Additional Methods of Entry – Share about this giveaway the following ways and receive one entry for each. Drop a separate comment for each to let me know where you have shared it!
@FaithfulProv is offering a great @ZipList Gift Pack Giveaway. 2 Winners! Stop by to enter
Faithful is offering a great Gift Pack Giveaway. 2 Winners! Stop by to enter
Giveaway ends Thursday, February 25th at midight CST. The winner will be drawn using Winner will be notified via email and I will post the winners at Faithful Provisions.
I don't keep up with my lists. I just write down a quick list before I hit the store and that's probably part of my problem because I still end up spending more than I should.
Oh, I love the idea of a universal recipe box. I've got links everywhere for different recipes I've found online and wanted to try.
I make it at home on a spreadsheet. Then I print it or email it to my hubby. I may have to look into this ziplist!
I write a list before I go to the store. I need a better method!
I usually cant keep up with my lists–I need help!!
i use post its
I use everything from Excel spreadsheets to a list on the back of a old envelope. I like how you can chare your list with friends and family with ziplist.
It all seems like a neat thing – I've been trying to keep my list on my phon but this seems much better. I look forward to trying it out!
my problem is i have pieces of paper everywhere! help! my favorite feature is everything! i like that you can add to it by cell phone or email!
I usually keep a list on a scrap piece of paper that almost always gets lost
NEED a new system…lol…
I think the multiple lists feature would be the best. I will have to check out Ziplist! Thanks!
i just joined Ziplist I love that i can text my list to my phone.. I usually write my list out and loose it before i get to the store….
i am a email subscriber
i shared giveaway on FB……
Now that I have started couponing-I use the southern saver print list for the grocery stores.
I like the comment line on the Ziplist site to make notes on coupons and sales.
I would like the grocery list feature. I have to get more organized.
I have a grocery list on the fridge and jot down items in my stock pile that I ran out of or almost ran out of. That way when I am looking at deals, I have in mind what I need and am looking for. I am interested in how accessible Ziplist is.
I keep up with my lists by reading blogs like yours each day and writing down the great deals listed. Then at the end of the week I've already got a good list of deals and can just add any other necessary items to it.
My favorite feature of ziplist is the one that allows you to save multiple lists for multiple stores. I have been going to several stores to find good deals, so it would be nice to have all my lists together.
I just write a quick little list of the most important things I don't want to forget.
i keep an envelope with my list on it and coupons i need inside, i'll also print off the Publix list from their website which i personalize with the BOGO and sale items i need
i follow you on facebook
i get your emails
I didn't know about Zip List until now! I love the lists available with ziplist.
I have one sheet that is sectioned by appts., groc. list, weekly menu, to do list, and project list. I make the list on Sun. night or Mon. am. and keep it with me in my purse. I like having it all on one page. at the end of the week I transfer what I can and toss the paper. I like to use colored paper for this sheet because it is easy to find and doesn't get lost with all the other white paper stuff in my purse.
I am intrigued by the universal recipe box.
I have an ongoing list in my planner but I make separate lists before I go to a specific store.
I need to make a more organized list.
I have a magentic notepad on the fridge that I (or anyone else in the house) adds to when they see something is out or needed. It helps having it handy once I throw a box away. I like the recipe index on ziplist.
I keep all of my coupons in an excel spreadsheet. When the weekly ads come out, it's easy to pull out my excel list and see what is on sale and which items I have coupons for. I also check Faithful provisions every day.
I have a little notebook that I keep in my purse that I write things down in and then as I do them I cross them off.
I also have in my car a box of coupons filed. Because when I am out just by chance somewhere then I have a coupon that might pertain to the place.
I go through the coupon car box once a week to throw out those that have past and to file away the new ones.
I currently keep a basic list on my computer and then modify for each trip. Then I print it out and keep with my coupons. The inconvenient part is that I end up making individual lists for each store I am going to and it gets time consuming. The zip list looks sooo much easier!!
I think the idea of the universal recipe box is brilliant! I am excited about trying it!
I use my iphone to keep up with my list. that way anytime i think of something i can update it on the go!
I use the internet to pull deals and make a weekly shopping list to stock up on the best bargains, and I add any items that have been put on the family blackboard for replenishment. It works pretty well… but not perfect. I'm gonna go check out Ziplist & see whatsup!
All list go into the front of my coupon book!!
I am currently not very good at keeping up with my lists. A little help would be great!
I keep up with all of my lists on those little magnatic pads that I can stick on the side of my refrigerator…right now I have 3 up there not counting my sons' chore chart
I love that you can search recipes & add ingredients on the Ziplist!
Your button is on my blog –
I follow ZipList on Twitter & I tweeted –
I blogged about the contest!…
I keep my grocery list on any piece of paper I can find at the time. I like that the Ziplist program has the recipe feature and the feature where you can list share…so my husband could add something to my grocery list….especially things he uses but I don't.
I subscribe to your emails!
I'm a facebook friend – sounds interesting.
I love this! I love lists but they are so unorganized! really like having ziplist be able to organize by aisle…
Thanks, Kelly!
I use a notepad and write lists for several stores that I shop at each week. I like that Ziplist allows you to prioritize your grocery items. When I have to go to the store with four kids, sometimes I have to grab just the things I really need and get out.
I am an e-mail subscriber.
I follow Ziplist on twitter and tweeted.
I'm just learning so my list is basic. I like the idea of being able to arrange by aisle or category…I do try to make my own list according to the layout of the store to make help make my trip go quicker.
i keep up with my list on a piece of paper that i paper clip to my publix add! i think that i will like this new ziplist system. this will be great when i can use my phone at the grocery and see my list!
I attempt to make lists, but it is very unorganized, taking me a while in the grocery store. Sometimes I try to organize it by the order I know I will get to it in the store. I think the Ziplist would be awesome b/c I can update it through texts when I think of something new and it keeps lists from different stores.
I am a list maker, let me tell you! I primarily use an iPhone app to keep up with my lists, although sometimes I just need to see them on paper and physically cross stuff off. Feels good. I like the Ziplist idea of making the lists so easily accessible and edit-able.
I'm not very good at making lists. Love the idea of being able to update it from my phone when I think of something new.
We keep a magnetic note pad on the fridge and just add to the list as time goes one.
I like that you can add to the list anytime and anywhere.
My favorite feature is the prioritizing of my list.
Follower on facebook.
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I follow you on Facebook.
I am a subscriber.
I print lists on the computer and save files I use often.
I shared the giveaway on facebook!
I receive your email newsletters!
I keep up with my grocery list by just filling out a list throughout the week. My problem is sticking closely to my list. Or knowing how much it will cost.
I usually end of with several lists all over the place. So I like the feature that supports multiple lists and multiple store.
How could we import Kelly's individual items into Ziplist?? Wouldn't it be cool if we could check the items we want on Faithful Provisions, and import into to Ziplist (with coupon matchups).?? Now that would be THE DEAL !!!!
I usually just leave a notepad in the kitchen and add items to it as I run out of them. My favorite feature of Ziplist is that is supports multiple lists because I always make separate lists for each store.
onlychocolate4me at gmail dot com
I subscribe to your emails.
onlychocolate4me at gmail dot com
I follow Ziplist on twitter, and I tweeted!
onlychocolate4me at gmail dot com
I put my lists on post its and throw them away when I am done.
twitter follower…
I like this Ziplist! Cant wait to share with my daughter in law's.
I'm an e-mail subscriber.
How do I keep up with my lists? Uhhh, in my dreams.
I subscribe to the Email!
I need a great way to keep up with my lists, I dont have one!
I keep my lists organized by just jotting them down on pieces of paper, I also label files on my computer with deadlines. I like that you can prioritize items on Ziplist.
i have a sheet and jot down anytime i'm out of something. like the appearance of the bag and the fact that it will keep things cold for 3 hrs.
I love the ability to prioritize the shopping list.
Type your comment here
What a wonderful resource. Thanks very much for the opportunity to win.
I usually shop at Publix, so I use the grocery list on their website. You can browse through their ad and add as you go. I think it's great that you can add recipe ingredients to your list automatically with ziplist!
I just joined ziplist. I am going to love the feature that texts my list to my phone. I can't tell you how many times I get in the store to find I have forgot my list.
I subscribe to your email!
Supporting multiple stores is great !
would love this to help me keep organized….also forgot to turn 'off' the subscribe to all comments by email so i'm getting every entry you are…..oops!
I love the cookbook
i have little paper lists all over the house! i could use some organization.
As far as my grocery list goes ( I have several lists) I keep an envelope with a magnet on the frig to write things down as we need them. Then I add the matching coupons into the envelope. I like the idea of the universal recipe box. Thanks!
I cannot keep up with my lists! I need help!
sadly, i am still using a notepad to keep up with all of my stores! go thru the sale ads and write it all down on 1 list.
I make lists on sticky notes and put them everywhere!
The feature I like best is “ZipList is always synchronizing, you're always looking at the most up to date list”
Did you say “keep up with your lists”? Omg – what a struggle. One of my resolutions this year was to not put things aside for later, but if at all possible, complete them now. Ooops. I continue to plug away at things on my “lists”, and have many good days, but I don't think that I can say that I keep up with them.
following ziplist on Twitter and tweeted
Facebook follower and posted about your giveaway on my page
This is a great giveaway!
I don't have a ziplist (yet) but it seems like a good way to keep organized…
hope to keep learning!(This couponing thing is all new to me… we don't have coupons where we come from… moved to the US in Sept.) Thanks for help!
My favorite feature is that my sainted husband doesn't have to try to read my legendarily-bad handwriting!
Thanks for the giveaway,
I use the grocery list on the Publix website since that's where I usually shop. I like that you can automatically add recipe ingredients to your list with Ziplist!
I keep track of my grocery list with a whiteboard on the fridge. We write down what we run out of as we go along and I add ingredients for upcoming recipes that I don't already have. Then I transfer it to a notepad, writing down items in order of aisles at the grocery store.
I love that you can keep lists for multiple stores with Ziplist, I run out of room on the whiteboard sometimes. I also like that you can import recipes from anywhere.
I write my lists on whatever piece of paper i may find lying around.
Thanks- email subscriber too!
I use the Southern Savers list as well as a list template ( that hangs in my kitchen for people to add what they need, so I don't forget their things too. I like the Ziplists can be accessed by cell phone…I always have that with me!
I use a spreadsheet in Google Docs with a tab (worksheet) for each store we shop at, but I just started using ZipList
My favorite ZipList feature is assigning items to stores. *Thanks* for the giveaway!
Subscribed by email
Your button is in my Blogroll, Buttons C – J
Following ZipList on Twitter and Tweeted
Faithful Provisions Facebook fan
I use scraps of paper that pile up in my purse. I like the option to print out the list.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Hope to win!
I have a small notepad in my purse that I use for lists.
I like that you can add to or Retrieve Grocery Lists Anytime, Anywhere:
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I use the grocery list feature on Publix's website, since that's where I usually shop.
I think it's great you can automatically add recipe ingredients to your shopping list.
I follow Ziplist on Twitter – Janetfaye
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I don't really keep up – this would help. Love the 'prioritize' feature.
I use scraps of paper that pile up in my purse. I like the option to print out the list.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Hope to win!
I have a small notepad in my purse that I use for lists.
I like that you can add to or Retrieve Grocery Lists Anytime, Anywhere:
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I use the grocery list feature on Publix's website, since that's where I usually shop.
I think it's great you can automatically add recipe ingredients to your shopping list.
I follow Ziplist on Twitter – Janetfaye
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I don't really keep up – this would help. Love the 'prioritize' feature.