If you have made it to this page, you are interested in finding out how to maximize your dollar so you can give more to Fellowship’s Annual Food Drive! Below is a list of ways that you can support this effort for our partner, Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church.
What you can do…
1. Go Shopping w/ this List!! — Use this Food Drive Grocery List (click here) to help you shop for the best food donation deals at your store (with and without coupons).
2. Drop Off – Bring your food donations and/or Sunday coupon inserts to the church office (in the Barn) for us to use during the Coupon Swap (info below).
*There will be a box designated to leave your donation items.
3. Coupon Swap
When: Wednesday, October 21st
Time: 6pm-8:30pm
Room: Learning Center – Room 144 & 146
Registration: Click here to register so we know how many to expect!
*This night is an opportunity for you to serve by helping in any of the following ways:
If You Don’t Clip Coupons:
1. Drop off food donations.
2. Drop off coupon inserts from your Sunday paper. Others can use them for purchasing donation items.
3. Help coupon savvy shoppers clip coupons to use in shopping for food drive donation items.
4. Take a grocery list created by attendees and shop for great donation item deals (to maximize your dollar).
If You Clip & Use Coupons:
1. Drop off food donations.
2. Drop off coupon inserts from your Sunday paper.
3. Come to swap and clip coupons to match up with current grocery store deals.
4. Create deal lists by store and match them up with coupons for other donation item shoppers.