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Now through October 31st, when you purchase $50 of select P&G products, you can get cash $10 by submitting the $10 P&G Pink rebate. There are several great deals this week at Target on CoverGirl & Olay items that would pair nicely with this rebate. Remember: the $50 in P&G products is BEFORE any coupons or discounts! In addition to giving you $10 cash back, P&G will donate $10 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation for every rebate submission they receive.
Here’s how it works:
- Purchase $50 worth of any Venus, Olay, Secret, CoverGirl, Clairol, Pantene, Safeguard, and/or Ivory products. (These can be purchased in multiple transactions)
- Submit the completed $10 P&G Pink rebate form along with your sales receipts.
- Items must be purchased by 10/31/2011 & rebate must be postmarked by 11/30/2011.
Thanks, Hip2Save!
In case you run into this(like I have) ve more receipts than spaces on the P&G form!
I called their customer service number on the form and they said if you have morereceipts than space, simply draw an arrow to the side of paper>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>and write on it turn over , and you can add the rest of your UPC codes to get you over $50.
I had gotten a ton of the free Covergirl so had multiple receipts/entries.
Deb – Thanks so much for that comment. I was just getting ready to ask what to do if not enough spaces for the UPC #. Thanks
could you possibly send me a copy if the rebate form (scan or PDF)? it’s not available anymore. sannellio@hotmail.com
I found it here act http://www.triadcouponing.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/pink_rebate.pdf
The link for the rebate form isn’t working. Does anyone know where I can find the form?
Also looking for a link to the rebate form. Anybody know where I can find it?
Just found it at
They have the PDF uploaded at this site:
Can someone send me a pdf of the form (Llz611@yahoo.com) because it’s not up anymore. I would really appreciate it
Can someone please send me a pdf form to ggpie@aol.com I cant get one anymore…I’d really appreciate your help..
thank you