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If you signed up for the Thriving Family FREE 6-month subscription, you should have received at least two subscriptions by now. I have really enjoyed the last two issues, but especially this one! There is a calendar in it, and each day it has an activity for you to do with your children. I am going to attempt to post them daily in June and July.
They have compiled easy-to-do ideas that will help you enjoy the summer with your children while teaching them biblical principles. Print out the entire list and put it on the refrigerator or near your family calendar. The goal is to empower you to help your family thrive spiritually — while you have fun!
Here is the first one for June! Please send your calendar ideas to thrivingfamily@family.org (place “Calendar” in the subject line). If they get enough responses, they’ll post some of them in August.
June 1 – Over the summer create an alphabet scrapbook with your children to better appreciate God’s creation. Have them create images of things God made (e.g. – draw an ant for the letter A, or take a picture of a watermelon for W). You can talk about God’s purpose for each. Today, gather all the supplies.