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Reader Susan asked the following question:
If a stockpile item is on sale at Publix for a great price and you have lots of coupons for that item, would you go over your grocery budget to stock up?
My first step would be to reevaluate what I already had on my list that I could eliminate to fit in the stockpiled item. For instance, if my budget is $100 per week, and aside from my “needs” most things on the list are stockpile items, I would prioritize my stockpile items to fit the most important (aka – most expensive) items in first.
If most of the items on my list were needs and I had very little room for a “stockpile budget”, I would probably get rid of everything else on my list that was a stockpile item if this item was very important item to me.
Here is how I determine if it is important and prioritize:
- Is it a high volume staple in our household?
- Is it an expensive staple?
- Are we completely out?
- Does it go on sale often?
- Are there coupons out for it frequently?
If it is not a “high priority” item according to the questions above, I try not to exceed my budget. The more you watch the sales cycles for the items you purchase, the more comfortable you will be letting a sale pass you by. Trust in your planning and try not to make impulsive decisions that will exceed your budget.
I hope this helps you Susan!