Recently, we’ve seen some changes to coupon policies (like Rite Aid , Publix, and Kroger), and I believe these changes are a direct result of TLC’s Extreme Couponing show. I first voiced my thoughts about the show a few weeks ago, and I actually thought that would be a “one and only” kind of post, however, I’m going back to that discussion today because there are a few things that I want to remind my readers about.
I’ve gotten emails and messages from some of you because you’re worried. You don’t like what you see on TLC’s Extreme Couponing, and you really don’t like the new store policies. Here at Faithful Provisions, our mission is to encourage, equip, and empower you. That’s my goal today, so let’s look at three benefits that will act as a silver lining in this cloud of change:
The shelves will not be empty.
I don’t know about you, but more than ever, I have been arriving at different stores to snag a few deals, and the shelves are empty. Then I get a picture in my mind of some of the folks on TLC’s Extreme Couponing, clearing the shelves of items like mustard and dental floss, dumping it all into one shopping cart. The new coupon policies will allow more people to get what they need. I’m all for stocking up and planning ahead, but that has to be kept in balance as we remember that others need to stock up and plan ahead too.
You will be forced out of your comfort zone.
That’s a scary thought, isn’t it? Once you learn couponing, you tend to get into a groove with it. But there are so many ways to save money, without ever clipping a coupon! Check out my posts on Understanding Sales Cycles, How to Read a Sale Ad, How to Flash Freeze, and How to Meal Plan. You’ll save tons of money using these strategies. Plus, you will have my new book Saving Savvy as a resource come September!
God will reveal more of Himself in your life.
When changes such as these occur, it gives us a chance to ask ourselves some tough questions. If you get really stressed out over these new policies, or if you find yourself becoming fearful of a financial future without coupons, then maybe you are putting your trust in the coupons rather than putting your trust in the Lord. I am just saying this, because I know first-hand! God allows difficult situations to occur in our lives in order that we will call upon Him and seek Him with our whole hearts. Jeremiah 29:13 says, “If you look for Me wholeheartedly, you will find Me.” God wants to display His glory in your life. Then you will say, “See what the Lord did with our finances!” Instead of, “See what I did with our finances!”
Sprint versus Marathon
When I first started couponing, I was hardcore, out there shopping literally every day. But there was no way I could keep that up. Learning how to save money, live on a budget, and be generous towards others—that has to become a lifestyle. Like a marathon runner, you have to keep up a steady pace or you will never reach the finish line. You can’t start off sprinting and expect to keep that up and still have the stamina and focus you will need to clear the hurdles that come up down the road. TLC’s Extreme Couponing shows people at a sprint. I think it’s more important to show you a shopping bag of tools that will teach you how to keep a steady pace all the way through the race, so you can finish strong.
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. (Hebrews 12:1)
Very well said! I have actually had less trouble at the store lately because I usually only buy 2-4 of sale items and I think I seem like much less of a couponer to the stores now. Also, my kids have watched the show and they used to think I bought masses of stuff every week and now they realize I don’t!
Love the section “God will reveal more of Himself in your life”. What an awesome reminder of who we give thanks to and who is our provider.
Yes, I experience Jesus every time I clip coupons. I give this little prayer, “Oh Lord with all your wisdom and compassion. Please allow me to find the deals on the 16 half-pound bottles of yellow mustard, personal lubricant, anti-hemorrhoid cream, super bounce balls, those little plastic ears of corn you use to hold boiled ears of corn, the hard to find and rarely used H-cell batteries, Gas-X, panty shields, roach traps, panty liners, extra large condoms, store brand cereal in the plastic bag, animal shaped disposable salt and pepper shakers, anti-slip shower stickers, antacid, proacid, and fish sticks. If you deem me worthy enough I graciously and humbly beseech you for no less than eight shopping carts full of these various necessary items.”
It usually works out for me.
Great post! Well said.
I’m glad the show showed me that I was not being a smart enough shopper. I didn’t need it at that level, but I just wanted to be smart. I am finding that there are some who look at my coupons and say, “That is the most awesome thing I’ve ever seen”, but I sense from the store that they are dreading me being in the store sometimes. I have to both deal with my pride (the negative kind), and get over my pride (with the positive feedback).
It’s just responsibility. Hopefully I am being a responsible shopper. I really like your approach and your heart and recommend you all the time. Keep up the great work!
Joan I just wanted to second your ending comment. I agree.
I recommend you all the time to the “newbies” and Please keep up the great work!
Very well said. I don’t agree with what the people on the show are doing and it was starting to upset me you really helped ground me and look at it better. Still not happy but better.
I actually like that Rite Aid will only accept 4 coupons of the same item per day. I like being able to go on a Thursday and there are still items left from the ad. The staff at my favorite Rite Aid are friendly and never give anyone attitude when using coupons. I wrote corporate a nice note about their staff and appreciate that they are a well stocked store. I think it would benefit us if more people would acknowledge a job well done and send GOOD comments to our favorite stores!
Great post, Kelly. You are truly an inspiration to me. I agree that Extreme Couponing takes it too far. These are people with obsessive personalities and if it were not coupons it would be something else. God bless!
Very well said and thank you for the encouragement. I myself am new to couponing and on several occasions got very frustrated when going to purchase specific items only to find that the store is completely empty of what I was looking for. All I want to do is be able to feed and care for my family as cost effectively as I can and hopefully with my savings or “overages” in purchases I can support our local food bank.
Again, thank you for all you do. Blessings to you and your family!
Wonderful post, Kelly, and I couldn’t agree with you more! Thank you!
I like how the show has taught me how to be a “smart shopper” too. At the end of the day I just want to be a good steward of the money God has given us. I want to learn how to use coupons properly and ethically so they can be a great tool to do just that. I’m not interested in clearing shelves but just obtaining enough to last until it goes on sale again. In many ways I think this show has hurt couponing, I see too many EXTREME couponers and not enough smart shoppers. Just once I’d like too see someone doing their regular grocery shopping, who’s happy to walk out of the store saving 75% on their bill.
Thank you for this blog, and for teaching us how to shop with coupons while we trust in the Lord.
Thanks for the bright side. Watching Extreme Couponing is like watching a train wreck. It’s horrifying, but you can’t turn away.
As a result of that show, my stores have been CLUTTERED with women (and sometimes men) with their gigantic coupon binders, aimlessly wandering the aisles. When I first started couponing a couple of years ago, relatively NO ONE was doing it… passing another coupon binder was a very rare sight. I got a lot LOT of hassle back then. Uninformed cashiers, inept managers, confusing store policies. I was accused of coupon fraud so many times, I can’t even count (and it wasn’t fraud, I assure you… just simple things like using ONE coupon with a BOGO deal)… but in a way, I prefer those times. There was much less of a stigma, better deals, and fewer people to screw things up.
I’m not trying to keep couponing some type of dirty, little secret. I like sharing info with family and friends, but I don’t think this show is really helping to disband the myths on couponing. It’s actually creating more. Sure, I can say 103% if 1) I had a camera crew; 2) I buy 50,000 boxes of noodles that I have few coupons for. I just don’t really see that point.
Sorry to rant! I’m really happy with your positive spin on it… but, although one person can’t clear the shelves, there’s so many new wannabe extreme couponers that the shelves are still bare.
Opps. I meant to say paying about 75% of their bill, and saving the rest. What good is saving 100% on stuff that’s not going to sustain your family for the week?
Regulating the number of coupons that can be used in a shopping trip should help those of us that buy in moderation. P&G has specified on all their coupons and other companies are following suit. I just wonder if the need for manufacturing more products will spur the economy. Since stores are running out of or selling a product until it is out of stock will they try to have more in stock or will they limit? It would be interesting to hear from someone in the business-marketing?
I was very happy to see that my Publix had a quantity limit on Cereal one day. I only need a couple but I am not a Wednesday only shopper so I was not getting any. So I am Thankful for some of the new guidelines.
Thanks for the encouraging post, Kelly. I am one of the “newbies” and was shown the benefits of couponing from a good friend, not the show. When I talk to people, the first thing they say is “So you’re an EXTREME couponer, huh?” I reply with that I watched part of the show a couple times with my husband and was sickened. These people are hoarders, some very greedy, and very little of the show is about charity-giving (maybe a small snippet at the end). That show is NOT what couponing and saving for your family is about. I stop myself all the time when I get excited about a great deal and say “Do I really need this product?, “Is this something I normally buy?”, “Is this junk food I am introducing to my children or is it a healthier alternative to what they already eat?”, “Do I really need that pre-menapausal supplement??” I am saving up a stash to give to my church’s food bank and they also give out toiletries. Now, that is what it’s all about. :-)Thanks for your blog, Kelly!
Watching the show is what first peaked my interest in couponing..but it was one episode in particular of a man who was making packets for the military and for the homeless. I of course immediately saw this as a way to expand on my ministry which helps families in need in Orange County, CA. with clothes and essentials for their children. However as I have been shopping and stockpiling (using a max of 4 coupons per item)…what God has clearly spoken to me is that I can teach woman/men in need how to do this themselves. It is great for those stay at home mommies who feel like they have lost their purpose after having been career woman, or men who have lost their jobs and no longer feel like the providers of their household, an elderly who is living off their social security and it just isn’t enough, a single mom who is living paycheck to paycheck barely making ends meet. God does want us to serve and give..but giving away our stockpile at times can be a form of enablement. As I give items of our stockpile away and families so thankfully accept I am taking the time to not just share with them how I got the merchandise but also talking to them more about how the Lord faithfully provides when you are willing to accept His provision in a humble manner. I am planning on inviting woman/men that I meet into our home to teach them how to coupon for their needs. Also I want to share with woman from my church who are not in need but looking for a way to serve their community. Thank you for your wonderful website..I love being able to freely talk about the Lord!
Yes we have seen the shows on TLC and I think some of these people they show are strange. Yes we coupon and have for years. We started in Texas about 1992 when all the major chains in DFW were trying to get all the business away from each other. Triple .49’s double .50 to .99 and some weekends double $1.00. If we saw a good deal in the sales sheets we would go to 1 or 2 stores the first and the middle of the month. We would watch and stock up on products like T.P., paper towels, detergent – dish & clothes. We knew the sales cycles on the brands we use at each store. We would buy what we needed to get to the next cycle. We don’t do like these people do . We never bought over 20 of anything at one time . But we kept a rolling supply of everything . We do not try to bankrupt anyone. And always leave some for the next person. We do plan out before we go shopping to a point , we can add or take off stuff if we want. And sometimes we will make a special trip. We will buy food for the homeless and food pantries and sometimes we get good healthy foods free or for pennies on the item.
We do not get cases of stuff just because we can. This is hoarding and we think this is a sin. If you go in and buy a lot of stuff just because ” OH LOOK ! I HAVE A COUPON , I NEVER TRIED THIS BEFORE, BUT IT LOOKS GOOD .” and put it in the basement on a shelf some sits there and ruins or goes bad because after you tried it you wouldn’t even give it to your pets. You Lose, you had to carry it home , down the stairs , put it on the shelf or in a tub , then you have to throw it away . Look at the work you did and the money you lose. It was all a waste.
Who needs 500 toothpaste at one time , You will never use it all before it goes bad. All of the people on TLC say ” If I don’t have a coupon I don’t buy it. Or I have coupons for 200 packs of hotdogs , it makes them .50 or .75 each. Oh and the kids love Hotdogs. Well after the first 60 packs the kids run when they are called to lunch. Even frozen emulsified meats go bad in 6 to 10 months. These people are hoarders, some have never shopped like this before. And the guy talking always said This will be her or his first time to try this big a spree . When we go shopping we try to save about 50 % total. We try to get about $200.00 to $250.00 and will pay $75.00 to 125.00. The bag boys will guess what we will save when we finish. And we never have a manager up the limit. This is why the stores keep changing policy. That is all. STEVE
Well said Steve! And thank you for your post Kelly! Very helpful!
Good points.
Though the benefit of variety and quick food from sale + double coupons has been that they seem to be helping us cut down on restaurant trips, though less healthy than I might like for normal meals…good for hurried/harried days.
Kelly – I am a couponer, bargain shopper, etc. But, I still find it hard to save money and time. I work full time and have 4 children. My husband is very specific about the things he likes to eat. Do you suggest writing to companies for coupons of products that rarely have them available such as Morning Star, Boca, Silk. Another problem is I don’t have internet where I live so I can’t print coupons online :(.
P.S. I wish I had an ALDI or Kroger’s near me, they seem to have great deals, especially ALDI on the produce.
Yes, I am using the internet now at work, but I cannot print coupons.
Vickie – OOh, you are at a disadvantage with the printable coupons, but you can still save by following the principle of stocking up. Check out my Start Here page for all the stock ahead posts. I think your best bet is to seriously stock up on the items your family prefers when they are on sale, and if you can find a coupon use it. I hope that helps.
Thanks for the feedback! I am going to try stockpiling the pantry as this is where I have the most room.
You are a true encouragement to your readers! Thank You!
Thanks for helping us to see the positive in all the changes that have been implemented.
I really needed this post today because I had several people stare, point, or snicker when I was out with my binder shopping this afternoon. This helped me to remember why I do it in the first place! THANK YOU!
Most beautifully said!
Very well said! I am somewhat new to couponing, and as others have said, I get so irritated that I plan for specific sales, get to the store and NOTHING is left! Come on, what happened to common courtesy? I wish that these people who buy in bulk would just realize for one second, that there are people extremely strapped for cash, and are using coupons to try to get by.
However, on a side note, any suggestions on who to contact on this matter: my husband’s brigade will be coming home soon and we are trying to get some hygiene and snack items together for the single soldiers who will be living in the barracks, as they will have nothing upon return.
Thanks for listening, and responses!
beautifully put!
Thanks so very much for these words today! You are wise spiritually beyond your years and you are such an encouragement to myself and so many others. Keep letting the Lord guide you to help others! Be blessed!!
Please know that I believe what you said about sharing with others and remembering other’s needs is just about the best think ever said about couponing. One thing one can remember is some stuff just goes bad…I would like to remember there are food pantries at churches….Mission houses for women and families….who are homeless who could use the donations bought while “Stocking up” Buy one get one free is a good way to give and share with food pantries at churches and other ministries that help people.
God loves a cheerful giver and especially those who love Him and love OTHERS…
Thanks for a great read. Love your heart…
Very well said and I’m with you – I’m hoping the change in policy of 3 of a like coupon will keep the shelves more stocked. I went to Kroger today to try to redeem the $3.00 coupon for BIC razors and there was only one kind left on the shelf. I know that Kroger gives rainchecks but that means standing in another line. Let’s hope these changes will benefit us all.
Kelly…thank you for this post. I am still considering myself new to the coupon craze…but I am NOT what I see on tv… I call myself, “extreme for ME”…meaning I feel good getting 2-3 deals at a time…NOT 50-60… I mean really…if you HAVE TO have SIXTY bottles of Maloxx…you have a much bigger issue at hand than coupons! LOL! Keep up the good work and hopefully this show will not turn more retailers sour. So far, I haven’t seen that….but you know the “one bad apple theroy”… Here’s hoping I’m wrong for my area. God Bless!
Hi. I have been using coupons for many years, but not to any great extremes. What gripes me is that one person is buying multiple copies of the Saturday edition of one of the newspapers w/coupons is before the rest of us can even get to that store. I don’t want to pay for a subscription to an out of town paper just to get the Saturday coupons, which I may or may not even be able to use.
I will ask the store if they can have more copies of this edition delivered…..
Thanks for sharing your wisdom Kelly and all the posters!
I am 100% sure this show is rigged. No one could get so many coupons unless they stole the circulars by the crateload, so I think the producers give the shoppers all the coupons and get the stores in on it. Maybe the manufacturers kick them in the be in the show.
WELL SAID!! And I have notice that there has been alot of inserts missing from the Sunday papers in the stores since these shows have come on tv. We get the Clarksville , Tn. paper delivered so on Sunday we look at the coupons and if they are ones we use the product for I go to the K-store or the W-drugs and get 2 to 4 more. But for the last month the red plums, Smartsource, and even the P&Gs have not been in the papers, like the ones we get at home. In most stores they are off to the side and anyone can strip the inserts out of several papres in seconds. So I take the papers to the checkout and check them before buying.
Lately I have found inserts missing and it is always the whole sales sheet section they come in is missing too. The clerks blame the shoppers for stealing them , which I know happens but lately I took a new wrapped bundle to the counter and opened it and the inserts were missing. This had to have been done at the newspaper assembly plant, in our case Nashville, Tn. I see ads for coupons on line and wondered how they get them ? Amanda , I think you may be right ” BY THE CRATELOAD ” But when I called the NewsPaper they swear they were in ” The wrapped and bound bundles when we shipped them out ,” Sure !!!! So if you pick up papers at the store on Sunday check for the inserts before you buy…
Steve, I have had the same problem with the Rite-Aid on Warfield. The clerks themselves have checked them when they came in and an entire stack did not have any coupons at all!!! So they know that it is not the customers taking them. I have called the Leaf Chronicle about this twice, but never received a response. My home-delivered paper has all the inserts, with exception of one time of one Red Plum not being in there. So, where are the stores’ inserts vanishing?
Great post. We’ve been eating healthy this year (New Year’s Resolution – sticking and lost 33 lbs.). There aren’t a whole lot of coupons out there for fresh fruits and veggies. I do like the Fiber One coupons, brown rice, whole grain breads, etc. I try to stock up on things we will actually use, toilet paper, deodorant, etc. All those hot sauce coupons have come in handy as I’ve found myself using it a lot lately. BUT, we don’t hoard. When any family / friends come over, they always go home with a goody bag. I share with everyone that I can. It really is more blessed to give than to receive, I’ve been in both places. The Bible says, I’ve never seen the righteous forsaken nor His seed begging bread. It’s so true. We pay our tithes and give God what’s his. I lost my job 3 years ago and was so upset, not knowing what we were going to do. God spoke to me and asked me when the last time was we went without food or anything else we needed. NEEDED. The key word. We want for nothing. I work 20 hours a week at a part time job. We were financially blessed and our car was paid off. When you love, and I mean really love with the love of God, you will be sooo blessed beyond measure. When you take care of others, God said you’ve done it unto Him. I guess I got a little off topic here but God is so good and when you live for Him and put your trust in Him and put Him first in your life, your desires take on the characteristics of the desires of Jesus. I don’t desire “things.” I desire health and blessings for my friends and family. It all falls into line with the word of God. It blesses me to bless others and in return, God takes care of it all. Be blessed.
Wonderfully said. I stopped watching the show due to the gluteness behavior. I kept thinking about all of those who don’t have. If they would donate food or products it would be different. Such a shame. Blessings, Deb in Tex
Thank you once again, Kelly. Balance and perspective.
Good post!
Thanks for helping put things in perspective. There are a lot of negative ideas floating around and I think it helps to step back and look at the big picture.
God Bless
The first time I watched TLC’s show I was sickened by what I saw. The particular episode I saw the situation was that the wife started couponing after her husband lost his job and she was afraid it was going to impact her social life!! Ok, I am all for being thrifty with your money..good for her but it took the thought of losing your “girls night out” to make you do it?
Secondly are you really going to use 70 something bottles of mustard in this life time??? Come on could you have bought 6 or 8?? In all likelihood it will go out of date before its used and then its a waste of money, but wait a minute you got it for free so it doesnt matter right? Greed amde you grab all the bottles off the shelf instead of allowing others to reap the same sale. I use coupons and I am excited when I save 10.00. I guess I wont ever save like some women do because there are some items that I am brand loyal to, I cant go into a store and buy something just because I can get a bar of soap for a nickel. I will continue to be content with my small stack of coupons that I take with me when I can remember to use them before they expire.
There was only one grocery store in my town that doubled all coupons up to a $1 value. But, recently the coupon policy changed. Now, they only double the first coupon on “like” products. I was a little irritated with them at first, as I do use multiple coupons to purchase certain items. For example, who buys just one microwave meal or one can of soup? But, I accepted that and moved on. Then, I stopped by the store one morning to pick up 3 different items. I had coupons for 2 of the items. The cashier carefully and dramatically made a show of inspecting my coupons and comparing them to my purchased items. I felt as though I was being treated like a thief. I now realize that this is all a result of TLC’s Extreme Couponing and the frequently unethical and even fraudulent practices used on the show. It’s sad, but even though I understand their reasons, I will no longer shop at that grocery store simply because of the poor treatment I’ve received every time I’ve used coupons there in the last few weeks. I expect we will all begin to see this more and more. Good luck and God Bless you fellow couponers.
At least 2 of our local Walgreens have taken action — one verifies there are coupons in the Sunday paper, puts a sticker on it and has a sign you are not to take coupons out until you pay for the paper (hopefully will stop thiefs). Another refuses to let his own employees shop register rewards deals in their own store because of customer complaints that employees were taking all the deals. What a shame the extreme hoarders have made it where stores have to do this.
I dislike the show, it has put a bad spin on using coupons and because of a few people out there like those on that show, it is now ruining it for everyone. I refuse to watch and/or promote the show and call for a boycott! Get it off the air NOW!
Thanks so much for the reinforcement Kelly! Our family is new to couponing & we certainly don’t know all the tricks yet, but watching shows like TLC’s “Extreme Couponing” makes us weary that there are people out there making it hard on others who just want to stock up for their families. I really appreciate your tips/tricks where you state the best way to save money is to meal plan by the week. We are not quite there yet, but hope to be real soon! Thanks so much for everything you bring to the Faithful Provisions website/blog/FB page. You do have many readers out there who appreciate what you are helping us to do for our families in an ethical/Christian way!
Thanks, Donna!
I must say… I am not a huge fan of the show, but there have been some on there that have been an inspiration to me. One of them that I enjoyed watching was Joyce House. She was also on the Ellen Show today. She’s one that helps others with her couponing by giving away a lot of what she buys…. Here is the link to today’s Ellen Show…
The other one is Kelly @ She is the one who uses her iPad to coupon. She has been extremely gracious in helping others to get started in couponing.
I agree with your article, and appreciate that you took the time to write it. I believe there are a lot of others in agreement with you on this!
Thanks, Pam! I appreciate the link, too. I’ll have to check it out!
Hi Kelly, Hope you and family are doing good.
Last week I went to the Clarksville, Madison St. Kroger to pick up some stuff. I had picked up 2 Wisk which was on the MAGA DEAL . There were 8 to 10 bottles left on the shelf . ( We have a binder going way back ) As I went down the isle a woman past me, I know her type she had a brand new binder and a cart that was full of mega event items. It was evident she had swept several items . I was looking at dish soap and she swept the Wisk shelves. She turned around and came back my way and smiled and said ” Oh your couponing like me.” I shook my head in shame that she would even associate her self to me. I told her she must watch TLC 24/7 and started to walk away but I got mad and told her ” We have been couponing for 20 years , we do it to save money . I have NEVER been so uncaring about other shoppers as to clean the shelves like she had been doing.” Then I walked off and left her yelling at me defending herself , the early teen boy who was with her was mortified. He asked her to be quiet , and she started yelling at him . I felt bad for the boy. A manager went that way as I cleared the isle. I went on and finished shopping and remembered the dish soap and went back after it. There was an elderly lady at the Wisk shelf and manager was telling her they were out. I asked how many she needed, she said 1 so I gave her 1 of mine and went on. When I went back 2 days later and that manager had put back a bottle for me when the truck came. I just do not understand some people. Every one have a good restful night, and a wonderful safe day on Wednesday.
Wow, Steve! Awesome!!!! Madison St. Kroger is my favorite in town because of their friendliness and concern/care for their customers. Love them! Btw, if you want to email me I have the $2off Wisk coupon if you want it.
I have watched TLC’s show…and for the life of me…I cant understand when you get that many noodles and that many quick meals….and your poor husband has to give up his man cave….and almost have a heart attack packing it up the steps….people…are hungry give it to a food bank.. there is no way you could possibily eat all that.
I am very happy right now with my 40% savings….. feeding a family of four…..on fifty dollars a week. I strive to get my percentage higher and have watched it do so……but I cant feed my kids 150 boxs of quick meals……could you?
Thanks Kelly you do a good job……
I am new to couponing, I must admit the the show is what motivated me to start couponing. I thought if those people can do that well, then surely I can do pretty good. While I have never tried to buy $ 1000.00 in groceries and pay $ 5.00 for them, I have set the goal of saving $ 100.00 everytime I do go to shop for groceries. Sometines I save a bit more or a bit less. I feel that this goal is realistic. On the flip side, I am very tired of the cashier asking me if I watch the show, or make comments like ” Okay, are we going to hit a zero balance”. I have noticed that others in line behind you occasionally lear at you, because the cashier has to take the time to scan the coupons. While I admit that those things aggravate me, it is not enough to make me stop trying to save money. I have found that telling the cashier (when they make a remark) that my husband and I are both certified underground coal miners, and we work hard for our money, why would’nt I try to save as much of it as I can. I find that people have an instant attitude adjustment.
I wanted to thank you for the wonderful post. Though most on the show are “the obsessive compulsive” types, there are quite a few on the show, who do this to help their communities. I am “an extreme couponer”. I only exteme coupon on items our troops have requested from friends and families. I personally buy, in bulk, razors, shaving creams, lotions, band aids, mole skin, and goodies to send over to Iraq and Afghanistan, for Christmas. I don’t do this all year round, but at least 5 months before I need to ship. The expired coupons then get boxed and shipped to the military families over in Germany, Italy, Japan and England. They are families who do use the coupons and do need them. So, it’s a win win there. But the show has made it harder for me to purchase these items to send to our troops. I now have to make frequent shopping trips in order to obtain these items. I don’t want to give up on my project. I have been doing this for the past eight years and plan to continue it, as long as our young men and women are overseas fighting. They need to know we still love and care about them. But most of all, they are not forgotten on the holidays.
I agree Dawn, the male on the show that buys extreme for care packages for the troops,and buys and donates to local food shelter’s is doing a great work. I hold no bad feelings for the people who do buy extreme, I just wanted to point out how the show has impacted how some of the cashier’s and people behind you in line, react when you pull out your coupon stack. I commend you for what you are doing, our soldiers need to know that we stand behind them, and the care packages are awesome.
They have gone to a whole new level. There is now Extreme Couponing All-Stars. However, they have 30 minutes, must by 15 different items, must hit at least $500 and it MUST be donated to charity or they are disqualified. While this is still encouraging the extreme methods at least this is for a good cause. However, I fully believe that TLC is providing the money for these trips as I can’t believe these people would be willing to spend their own money to give a 100% donation to charity. Too many of them have thrown fits about the money in the past. This is true with the exception of the Pastor and his wife from last week who only coupon in order to support local charities. Either way I don’t have the desire, the room, or the attitude to coupon to the levels on this show.
Teresa, to be completely honest, I actually only watched a few episodes. It made me sick to my stomach to watch. I don’t believe we are to live in that way, addicted to sales, living every breathing moment trying to find something “free” whether we need it or not. Life is too short! I agree with you, I also dont’ have the desire to coupon at that level, I believe it is unhealthy in every aspect. Thanks so much for your feedback!