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Here are my favorite deals at Walgreens this week. All I can say is wow – look at all those freebies!! This is a fantastic week to shop Walgreens. Thanks to I Heart Wags for help compiling this list.
Are you new to shopping at Walgreens? Checkout the Faithful Provisions Store Guide to help you get the best deals at Walgreens.
:: More Walgreens deals Common Sense With Money.
WAGS Special K .88-91 cents http://www.specialk.com/Products/Coupons
Was just at WAGS. Here is link for coupons that you can use with the Kellogg deal at WAGS and get Spec. K Bars/cereal for 5/$4.50 after RR or 4/$3.50 depending on which ones used. Worked like a charm!!