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Still need to do your back to school clothes shopping for the kids? Today thru August 18th, Old Navy has a Super C-A-S-H deal where you earn $10 for every $20 you spend in-store. You can earn up to $50 for each transaction. Then, you can take your Super Cash back to “C-A-S-H it in” between August 25-29, 2011, and maybe buy something for yourself with it! To make the most of your savings, don’t forget that this weekend is Tax Free Weekend for many states. Check here to see if your state is participating.
Find more Back to School Deals on Faithful Provisions.
Do you need the coupon?
I don’t think so. I think you automatically get the Old Navy CASH when you buy $20 worth.
do you get this cash when you shop online too??
No. In-store only.