Lately God has had a message for me through every conversation, book, His creation, and even every song I listen to. But it took me until today to fully understand what He was saying. Today I realize, loud and clear, He has been reminding me how great and awesome He is.
Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty. Everything in the heavens and on earth is yours, O Lord, and this is your kingdom. We adore you as the one who is over all things. (1 Chronicles 29:11)
We are studying the names of God: Yahweh, Elohim, and others. These remind us of all His attributes. His names tell of His greatness, His power, and His strength in and above all things.
The past few weeks have had some bumps, and I have been letting life’s circumstances mold the way I think about and want to approach certain situations. But He keeps drawing my thoughts back to Him, so that I find myself meditating on His strength, power, might, love, and healing. He is for us and no one can stand against us. He reminds me to let go and let Him work.
I love the words to Chris Tomlin’s song, Our God.
And if Our God is for us, then who could ever stop us
And if our God is with us, then what can stand against?
What can stand against?
Our God is greater, our God is stronger
God You are higher than any other
Our God is Healer, awesome in power
Our God, Our God…
Over and over He has been reminding me in every way possible, trying to help me understand, that He is in control–not the forces of this world. No matter how things look to my eyes, I must remember He is in control, and nothing can stand against me when He is on my side.
I know I am not the only one; don’t we daily forget just how powerful He is? What His true position is? Who He is? I would love to hear your thoughts on God’s greatness and how He has worked in your life lately. What is He saying to you?
Photo Credit: Getty Images
I know 100% what you mean. I’m a fairly new believer and I don’t even know how I survived life before knowing him. But now that I know him I feel him pulling me where I need to go. And in everything I’m finding him. I watch the show Dexter and this season is based on faith…ironically this is God talking to me (and others) about him and why he’s important. I’m not sure if I would have understood this if I wasn’t a believer. My life has been so much better and so much clearer with him. Yay God!
Thank you for sharing this! I needed to hear this today. We really do serve an AMAZING God who loves us very much and is right there with us….through the good times and the trials!
amen! thank you for sharing this. & I love that Chris Tomlin song..especially when I’m driving by myself and I can worship at the top of my lungs!
Me too Brooke!!!!!
Hello Kelly,
I have gotten so many great recipes, savings and ideas from your website and today, you shared some wisdom that I really needed to release over me and my household. I am currently in need of housing as my former landlord sold our rental unit. I have been looking and calling and looking and calling and feeling so disappointed by the outcomes. However, I kept telling myself to let go and let God show me what to do, but I would pick it back up and try again. I felt peace about one house but nothing came of it. So today I am striving to let HIM direct me so I will arrive at what is best for me and my sons. Thank you for sharing this wisdom today!
Thank you Kelly:
I LOVE your web-site & I’m so glad that you know, like I know……that OUR GOD is always in charge! I’ve had some bumps in the last 2 weeks that really tested my faith & I let it get me down really low on Sunday, but “PRAISE GOD”…..who is always right on time, came to me in Spirit & said I’m here just like I’ve always been, through it all…..& my faith got the uplifting of the Spirit & GOD told me to let him handle it……don’t try to fight the battle, he said just LET GO & LET ME HAVE IT. Things are always going to happen, but GOD is the only one that can handle it ALL….& bring that newness back into your life, just like he said he would. Thanks again for sharing your message which was very timely & I know that GOD is ALWAYS GOD, & I’m so glad that HE IS AN AWESOME GOD & I’m one of his children. Blessings to all that are going through trials & tribulations…..just TRUST & OBEY his will.
Jenni – I love your honesty! God bless.
When I first started searching web sites on how to save money for my family I came across many sites that expressed their love for God as one of the reasons to share their blog. However, I never see any of them discuss God or share any stories about where they are in their faith and their pursuit of being closer to God. It is refreshing that you share even a little piece of your relationship with God with us. It is definately one of the reasons I come back to your site weekly. Thank you for leading by example! In my own quest to be closer to God…this year I have learned 2 things. Hind sight is 20/20…before I was a Christian I was so angry at God and would think where is he??? I have learned looking back God was always there and I should have been asking myself where was I??? The second thing I learned is there is a difference in my life when I would tell myself that I was a Christian and living my life as a Christian
Thank you for opening up and sharing some of the journey that you are on in being closer to God!!!
Andrea – thank you for your honesty and encouragement!
Thank you for this! It seems life has been so busy lately, I turn to anything but God and forget that He is in charge of things, not me. I’m really trying to get this into my head. I do have one neat story to share about how God worked in my life recently. We moved from IL two years ago for my husband’s job and left a great church and many friends. We struggled for some time to find a good church home where we live now in OH but couldn’t find a place that fit. Then last January we learned that the church we attended in IL would be sending a group of people to plant a church in a town just 35 minutes from our house! They looked at cities around the country and this is where they were called. We were beyond thrilled…not only do we now have a wonderful church home that is familiar to us, but we also knew some of the people that moved here. They sacrificed so much to move here and reach the people of Athens, OH! And we had nearly 140 people at our very first service! Again, God is in charge, not us. We have grown so much spiritually since the church began…to God be the Glory!
Thank you for blessing us with this insight into God and His AWESOMENESS!!!! I love this verse of scripture that you have quoted and will add it to my collection of 3 X 5 cards of verses to commit to my heart!! I too have heard God saying how AWESOME he is and how He is in control and will provide all my needs. Life sometimes slips up on us and we start to think ‘like the world’ does, but God has called us to be ‘in the world… not of the world’. We all walk by faith and not by sight and that is sometimes the hardest part. You have encouraged my heart this evening. God has used you to speak to me thru your post!!!
Thank you for ALL you do to share deals, coupons, meals and a part of yourself…=)
Thank you. Just what I needed!
Thanks for sharing and reminding me we serve an Awesome God!
I love this song and love worshiping our GOD!