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Get FREE Ice Cream at Ben & Jerry’s on Valentine’s Day! Participating Scoop Shops will be giving away FREE Stephen Colbert’s Americone Dream Ice Cream on February 14th between 5-8pm. Click here to find a participating location near you. I would recommend calling ahead of time to confirm your location is participating.
Thanks, Savvy Spending!
I noticed that your website contains verses. If you are a believer, I think you should check out the philosophy of the different businesses that you list on your site. Please take a look at this article:
Thank you so much for writing to me with your concern.
I cannot investigate all companies and products that are featured on Faithful Provisions. The goal of my site is to provide information on shopping deals, money-saving coupons, and cost-cutting recipes so that my readers are able to save money on their purchases, thus enabling them to give more freely to their local community as well as global relief efforts. I rely on my readers to use their own judgment in making their decisions before purchasing.
Kelly Hancock