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VeggieTales released a new “Spotisode Collection” mobile app this week and right now you can download it for FREE! Simply download the VeggieTales mobile app for your Android phone or VeggieTales mobile app for iPhone on iTunes for FREE! The VeggieTales Spotisode Collection allows children to play games while watching VeggieTale clips & trying to find or “spot” things in the videos. As they find them, new levels, with new clips and new lessons are unlocked.
The VeggieTale Spotisode app is not available directly from the App Store or Android Market. You can find other free apps, but those have ads in them (some are very racy, so beware!) To get this free app, you need to follow my links to download the app for your iPhone on iTunes or Android phone.
While we are talking about VeggieTales, be sure to stay tuned later this month for another VeggieTales giveaway!!