Missed the story about my Mission Trip to Ecuador, you can read it here.
Daily Deal Disclaimer!
I just want you to know that even though I will be gone, the deals will be going up as planned. My amazing team will be handling everything while I am gone. They are unbelievable and you will not be disappointed!
*Please be sure to encourage them and tell them what a great job they are doing for me!
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit… — Matthew 28:19
Last Words
Today, I am just finalizing my packing, getting my family ready for me to be gone (meal planning, kid juggling, etc) and spending some quality time with my honey and sweet children. I have to tell you even though I am sad to leave them for so long, I am most excited about a week to unplug and just BE with HIM — all week. A week solely devoted to the Lord is something I have never done. Honestly, I can’t imagine it!
I feel like the big lesson for me (at least so far!) is that he wants me to understand that this trip is not a unique opportunity. Because, he gives me unique and amazing opportunities to be a missionary for him every single day right here, I just need to be open to the Spirit’s leading. I am praying that God will show me how to make being a missionary something I can incorporate into my every day life here. That it isn’t just something I do when I get on a plane.
Guess what? He does that for you too, but unfortunately we all let “life” get in the way and are easily distracted.
In view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season. — 2 Timothy 4:1-2
Keep Up with My Trip
I am so excited because I have the privilege to be traveling this week with a sweet friend of mine, Christy Jordan from Southern Plate. Not only will we get the opportunity to serve the Lord together this week, but I am very much looking forward to fellowship and down time to just “be in the moment” this week. While I will be unplugging from the daily activities of running Faithful Provisions, I do want to keep you updated, so…
As I mentioned above, I have a team that will be helping me with all the details. But, I do want to share with you how my week is going so my plan is to do a video blog for you each night while I am in Ecuador, as long as the technology cooperates, or better yet, that I can figure it all out! So, you can check back here each night after I get back from being out at the distribution sites for updates. You can also follow the activity on the trip on my Facebook or Twitter accounts which will be posted by my team for me.
*If you are on Twitter, be sure to follow #OCCEcuador for updates from our entire team, which will hopefully include pictures and more!
Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. — Mark 16:15
Pray for Me!
I know there are so many of you praying for me. Not only have I felt your prayers, but I have read them in comments, emails, Facebook and more. You have no idea how much it means to me to get your messages. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your support, it means so much!
And will give ourselves to prayer and the ministry of the word. — Acts 6:4
- I ask just that the Lord would empower me with his Spirit, that I would be unhindered by things of this world. I know things will come up, they always do, don’t they?
- I ask that the distractions would be small, and my focus would be on the work the Lord has for me. No matter what that may look like.
- Health and safety not only for me and the entire Operation Christmas Child Ecuador team, but also for my family and those caring for them while I am gone.
- But, I also pray that what I do will be an impact for His Kingdom. Not only in Ecuador, but to those of you reading.
I am excited each day to see how God uses this platform of Faithful Provisions to further His Kingdom. I feel so privileged to be able to serve him in this way by serving each and every one of you.
I’ll see you in a video, hopefully soon!!
Have fun!!