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Please note: This giveaway is now closed. The winner is announced HERE.
I thought it might be fun for you to have a giveaway this week while I’m on my mission trip in Ecuador with Operation Christmas Child. We recently hit the milestone of 20,000 “likes” on the Faithful Provisions Facebook page, and I had promised a giveaway once we got there! Here it is:
One lucky winner will receive a copy of my book, Saving Savvy: Smart and Easy Ways to Cut Your Spending in Half and Raise Your Standard of Living…and Giving! AND a $25 Visa Gift Card!
Follow the directions below to enter. You may enter now through tomorrow, Tuesday, February 21st, 2012, 11:59 pm CST. The winner will be announced Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012.
*One entry per person per method of entry per day. Be sure to enter a separate comment for each method of entry (one comment for Facebook, one comment for Twitter, etc.). This way you have a higher chance of winning.
**5 Entries per Person per day
1. COMMENT: Leave a comment telling me where you are on your personal journey to savings. Are you new to saving money or a veteran? How does Faithful Provisions help you the most when it comes to saving money?
2. NEWSLETTER SIGN-UP: Subscribe to my Email Newsletter – even if you already receive it, add an entry as a comment below!
3. TWITTER: Follow Faithful Provisions and Saving Savvy Book on Twitter.
4. FACEBOOK: Follow Faithful Provisions and Saving Savvy Book on Facebook. Be sure to “like” this post!
5. SHARE: Click on the Facebook, Twitter, or Google Plus icon at the top of this post, or click on any of the methods below, to share this giveaway with your friends.
Giveaway ends FEBRUARY 21st, 2012, at 11:59 pm CST. The winner will be drawn using Random.org. Winner will be notified via email and the name posted on Faithful Provisions.
I’ve been using your methods for about a year and a half now and I do save at least 50% every week, so I’d almost consider myself a veteran now.
I am somewhere in the middle! I am not new but I’m not the best either!! I am a big believer in Emeals and faithful provisions helps me save money by matching coupons to my grocery list from Emeals!
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I am a SAHM of 2 and I try to save every dollar I can. Couponing is a huge part of it but also utilizing other resources. Consignment sales, free museum days and other children’s activities like the Lowes build clinics. I check in with Faithful provisions regularly to find out what deals are being offered and where. You are always a huge help at Christmas time! My family now expects to get cute photo albums or calendars each year! I’ve been doing this for 4 years now and I started with one of your classes! Thanks!
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I follow both on Facebook & liked the book on Amazon.
We are on the good road to good savings thanks to you, your newsletter, and others like Dave Ramsey. We are not experts by any means and enjoy learning every day.
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I have been working on cutting my grocery bill for almost a year and i can DEFINITELY see the savings! Your website is the first place i look for help!
I’ve been couponing for about 2 years now, but now am trying to save money on healthy, fresh food for my family, and finding free and low-cost items to donate.
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We are pretty good about saving money, although we could definitely learn more about saving for our children’s college educations.
My husband and I are in week 6 of Financial Peace University. I discovered your blog at the beginning of the class. Your site is helping me meet the spending goals my husband and I have set in our cash flow budget. I also enjoy reading your column in Home Life for budget friendly recipes and ideas.
I have just started out on trying to save more on my grocery bill. I have been using coupons, but feel as though I needed to add something to that. I am in the process of taking stock of my pantry, fridge, and freezer. Love the tips.
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I follow you both on Facebook and I like this post with my username Mary Happymommy.
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I have been trying to save money, but something always comes up (or I cannot resist the temptation). Thank you
I’m fairly new to Faithful Provisions. I started saving on my grocery bill with Emealz. Applying things bit by by bit.
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I am running the race of learning how to save money. I am not a newbie and I am not and old pro.
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I challenged myself at the beginning of this year to really buckle-down & do my best to save my family money. I have been so proud of myself the past couple months & excited about this whole couponing/savings adventure. I found out about your website through one of my Facebook friends. Your website has helped me become aware of the savings I can find weekly by matching store sales & my coupons. Thank you!
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I am in a learning process…I want to learn everything about couponing I can…I save but I know i can save lots more.. Thanks
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I am fairly new to Faithful Provisions. The information is so inspiring and just what I have been looking for for the past few years…help in learning how to save money and budget, help in meal planning and using the food we purchase, wisely and getting the most out of what we have. Thank you so much!
I have a goal to save at least 50% at each of the grocery stores I stop at and have been able to save much more that previously with matching up coupons and sales at Target after seeing posts on your blog.
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I have been a couponer before, but now mostly like to get good diaper deals and free items! This book would be such a help!
I have memories of sitting at the kitchen table as a kid with mom, cutting coupons and planning our shopping trip. She’s 79 years young now, so while I’ve been around coupons for a long time, I still don’t consider myself a veteran because I’m always learning new ways to make sales, coupons, rebates, thift stores, local farm markets, meal planning etc help me save even more money. Thank you for all your hard work and God bless on your mission.
I am a veteran at saving money, and Faithful Provisions gives me the help I need along the way, such as the different store’s coupon policies.
I subscribe to your newsletter under kellywcuATyahooDOTcom
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I haven’t started yet. I have been subscribed for a year now. I need to know how to organize myself to get started! Please help!!
Thank you for doing this! You are truly a blessing!
Sandra, don’t think that you have to do this all at once, or that you have to be perfect at it immediately. That might be one of the biggest obstacles that people have. Why don’t you start with meal planning? Check out my post on 5 Easy Steps to get started with meal planning. Start with one thing, then gradually move on to the next. You can do it!
I’m cooking more from scratch. (My family loves the PB granola bars, by the way.) I was couponing, but I’ve fallen off the wagon a bit, as I’m finding it challenging to find time to clip.
I’m an email newsletter subscriber. Praying for you, Christy, & your families this week!
I’m A FB fan.
I’ve been coupining since 2007. I do some couponing presentations but there is always room to grow and learn. I’d be interested to read your book! I am a recent SAHM and need more tips!
I have been couponing for a while and now my husband is finally getting excited about my deals. We are working hard to save as much for our future as we can and I love that I can come on your site for help. I just made my own bread and chicken broth to help lower the grocery bill!
I have been using coupons for about a year now. Our family grew from 2 – 5 in the matter of 6 months….we have adopted 3 children, so that means our grocery bill sky rocketed. Coupons are almost a have to. I am new to your site, but was thrilled to find it! Thank you for your service. I will like you on ‘twitter’ and ‘FB’ right now
I have been reading your blog for 2 years now and have cut my grocery bill by well over half. Thanks Kelly!
I grew up using coupons, but got really into saving money in 2006 when I moved to Louisiana and was in my college fulltime and my husband was supporting us. I love your blog and enjoy checking it daily to help me with my savings. Thanks for all you do!
I am a facebook fan.
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I’m a newly single parent of 2 preschool boys, and I’m trying to learn everything I can about saving money. I probably save about 30% on my grocery bill each week now with couponing but need to do better with stocking up when things are on sale.
I get you emails.
Meant your emails. Which are wonderful by the way
My wife and I have been using coupons and your website to help us save money for a house for about a year now- We have had a great year of savings and cannot wait to learn how to do more to save even more.
I’m new to saving my own money as I am just starting my first full time job after college, but I’ve always been cognizant of saving as much as possible.
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I’m a new saver. You have helped me with learning how to use coupons to save at the grocery store. Thanks!
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I”ve been saving money and using coupons since I was married nearly 14 years ago. As broke college students and nearly no money, we needed every way to save possible. I would consider myself a veteran couponer and a woman determined to save money. Faithful Provisions helps me find the best deals on diapers for the week.
I started with my savings almost a year ago. I am getting married in June and we don’t really have a lot as I still live with my parents and my fiance recently moved out of his parents home. I have started stockpiling and making freezer meals for my fiance who currently lives in another state (and considers fixing a bowl of cereal as “cooking”)!
I just found your site. I am not new to trying to save and great ways of doing it though. Due to health issues and the economy I do not have a paycheck coming in at the moment so knowing certain ways and the best ways to save are always what is on my radar.
I am a little past the middle point. I have finally learned I don’t have to run out and chase every great deal because it might not be right for me. I am able to purchase organic items on a budget! I don’t have to run out and get things every other day becasue I use what I have at home and I only do weekly trips for tbe basics (eggs, milk, bread). Thank you for teaching that this is a life style that honors God.
We could be doing better, but we are working on saving for our three girls!
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I am a veteran saver, but always on the search for tips. I have been using coupons since my college days over 20 yrs ago.
email subscriber
Hello, I receive your newsletter and always find interesting and helpful ways to save money.
I pray that your mission trip is going well and helping those in need. Thank you for the opportunity to win your book and the gift as you continue to be a blessing to others.
Follow FP & SSB on Twitter.
I go back and forth – I get burned out on coupons. But I’m still a thrifty shopper and watch for deals all the time. I mostly just stay out of stores because I don’t need that much stuff.
Follow FP and SSB on Facebook.
Shared on Facebook.
I’m new to your website and am hoping to pick up some new pointers that I can put into practice. Thank you!
I’ve been subscribed for quite a while and look forward to your email digest every day. I go to your website often for recipe and menu ideas also.
Thanks for all you do!
Following on FB!
I’ve always been very frugal because my family didn’t have much. Also, growing up in a war-striken country in former Soviet union, I remember not having sugar or meat for weeks, so now, living in America and having a steady job, I think twice before throwing away food or buying things my famly doesn’t need.
Overall I could say I value money and time I spent earning it and thus treat all my purchases accordingly.
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I’ve always saved, but with kids now, your site is helping me even more. Your recipes have saved me a few times!
I’ve been able to use them (and substitute ingredients) with what I have at home. Other than the recipes, the weekly matchups with the sales ads and coupons help me greatly. This year, I’ve been able start a savings account based on blogging sites like yours. Thanks for what you do.
I guess I’m a veteran. I’ve been married for over 17 years & my wife has taught me a lot. I love your site…we use the coupon database a lot.
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Follow both FP and SSB on Twitter as MsJPink1.
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Follow you and Saving Savvy Book on Facebook. Liked this post.
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We are getting rid of our credit cards and actually sticking to a budget and using debit only. I like your simple recipes and deals of the week!
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I have been an avid couponer for awhile now. Try and find the best deals out there. Thanks for all the info.
I also am a email subscriber.
We’ve been trying to save money for years and I’m glad all work well. I like the coupons and store deals you share with us, they help a lot!
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Jessie c.
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I’m relatively new to saving and faithful provisions is helping me learn so much that I didn’t already know. I love your newsletters and posts, they help me so much.
I’m a college student with a tiny budget. Your site is a great help to me to get what I need for a fraction of the cost. I am still learning the ropes of couponing, and your site is a big help!
I am still pretty new to saving, but am learning more everyday! My husband is a Children’s Pastor and I am a stay-at-home mom of two. I love following your blog for tips and ideas.
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newsletter & FB!!
I am not new to saving money or using coupons, but using your website has helped me “step it up” and save more than before.
I already subscribe to your newsletter.
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I posted a link to this on my Facebook wall.
love the newsletter. thanks for all your hard work.
I have a bumper sticker that says “frugalista” on it. That is me.
Love the newsletter and tips! Have a fruitful trip to Ecuador.
Thanks for the contest.
I am always interested in learning how to save a buck. I retired early due to health reasons and have to live on a much lower pension than I had ever planned to do. So BOGO’s, coupons, and anything else are right up my alley. Thanks for your newsletter.
I love reading your site. I have learned alot. The tips you give and the coupons you let us know about are great. I look forward to reading the bible verses each day. Hope you are having a good time. God bless you for letting the Lord use your talents.
I have been couponing for a couple of years, and I am new to making a budget.
Iam an email subscriber.
I am not new to saving but after having kids my priorities have shifted
Thank you for hosting this giveaway
pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com
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I like Faithful Provisions and Saving Savvy Book on facebook (Louis H Uffmire)
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I’m trying hard to work out a plan to pay off my debts in as little time as possible.
Hi Kelly! I hope you are having a great time on your trip. I hope you bring the love of God and warmth of a smile. I have always looked for sales and tried to coupon, but about 2 years ago, I started trying to save more. I began writing about weekly sales for my town on a friend’s website about the town. Then I started incorporating the price differences with coupons. I no longer write for the site, but my sister and I are thinking about sharing what we have learned from your site and our own shopping experience in a blog form. We are from Mississippi and I haven’t found any local sites like yours. Thanks for your encouraging words on the site and keeping God first. Have fun!
I very much enjoy your “helpful hints”. I feel like I learn something everyday. I am fairly new to couponing and still have lots to learn. Would love to receive a copy of your book.
i am new to trying to save money! i get the most help from learning about coupons
i like both on FB & liked this post steph sweeper
I think I would lean more towards the veteran side. I read Faithful Provisions everyday to find the best deals! My husband thinks I’m crazy for buying 5 jars of pasta sauce at a time and having 4 bags of dog food stored up, but I just know I’m saving savy!!!
I’m a veteran at saving’s but am always looking for new and improved ways to go about doing it, I like the coupon’s you have shared
I have always tried to be frugal, but I’m REALLY trying now that my goal is to pay off our car in hopes of being a SAHM in the near future! I love all the deals and frugal, healthy meal ideas on Faithful Provisions.
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I liked both FB pages as rebecca shockley
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I’ve been couponing for 20 years.
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I follow both the required twitter accounts as tstasko1
Your price list is always very helpful to me, as well as the dipaer deals of the week!
Faithful Provisions helps me save money by matching coupons to my grocery list.
I subscribe to your email newsletter!
I liked Faithful Provisions on FB.
I follow you both on Facebook (Mary Happymommy) and I like this post.
I started couponing about 2.5 years ago. I like your site because I get a preview of Kroger deals before Sunday. Thanks!
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Kelly, I am somewhere in the middle. I am not really new to this, although I still learn things from your site daily! My favorite part about your site is the tips and tricks on how to save money outside of couponing. I love coupons but that is only half the battle! Making a plan, sticking to it, using your available resources, and not being wasteful will get you even further! Thank you for all you do!
We are pretty good about saving money. We’re buying a house this year!!
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I’m a novice, so your website helps me a lot!
Savings for us is for our family. I’m not stock piling to live for the next 10 years. Just enough for us to survive and be able to eventually stay home and be a housewife and take care of my men the way I feel they deserve. Since finding Faithful Provisions I have followed mostly by e-mail, but it has been encouraging to get excited once againg about saving for my family. Thank You!
I’ve been laid off, so saving money at every corner is imperative until I find a new job!
I’m a veteran saver. (day 2 entries)
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I consider myself a veteran saver.
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like both on fb Julie A Scott Laws
shared on fb Julie A Scott Laws
I am a veteran to saving money
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where you are on your personal journey to savings. Are you new to saving money or a veteran? How does Faithful Provisions help you the most when it comes to saving money?
i use coupons all the time.i am not new to this. you could help by finding more deals.
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amramazon280 at yahoo dot com
I have been using coupons for about three years and have saved so much money! Love the website for all the great deals!
i’m fairly new to being a big saver – i’m a stay at home mom to a two year old and living on one income for the last 2 years has really forced to tighten our budgets!!
following on twitter as scoop500
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YOU SURE KNOW HOW TO DO A GIVE-A-WAY!!! I would LOVE your book and the bonus gift card! Your daily emails help keep me eye on ways to save and I’m sure the tips in the book are even more in depth. Facebook & Twitter following as well! Please, pick me and make this Saver… SAAVY!
I am following both on Facebook.
We are fairly new to couponing. I am working on the organization part of it – not being overwhelmed by it. This has certainly helped after last year. My husband was without work for 4 months. With 5 in our family, coupons are pretty much required.
I tried to sign up for email and got a message – the publisher has deactivated subscription to email.
I’ve been a couponer for a few years and have even taught a few classes. I follow several couponing sites but I love how your faith shines through everything you do. Your site is an inspiration. I just printed off your freezer inventory sheets and have reorganized my freezer. I love that they are practical and pretty to look at. Thank you!
I also liked both Saving Savy and Faithful Provisions on Facebook!
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I am new to saving money but would love to learn more!
Right now we are saving to buy a house we are about halfway there and hope to be there fully within the next 2 years. thanks!
: Follow Faithful Provisions and Saving Savvy Book on Facebook. (Ashley hatten)
and I liked the post ashleygatewood1(AT)gmail.com
I’m a saver by nature, but right now we’re living off of savings. This is why we save!
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I’m a veteran:) But I do splurge once in a while, I just make sure that if I do, I use coupons.
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On my journey to savings I’m trying to get 6 months of living expenses saved up.
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