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Pastor Miguel, his wife and me.
I wrote this on my way home from my trip to Ecuador.
I am on the plane coming home from something that I can only call “life-changing.” Honestly, I am not really sure where to begin. How do you explain the great faith of those who have so much less than you? How do you begin to describe the faith of those who struggle daily with the forces of this world trying to tear down all the work they are doing for the Lord?
For example, there’s a pastor here who shepherds two churches, two hours apart. And he shepherds them lovingly, all while providing for a family of ten children. He uses any extra hours in the day to provide for them by driving a bus at night. I look at the poverty and the need here, and I can’t comprehend what they have sacrificed for the Kingdom. Especially knowing that I am on my way back to my comfortable, easy life.
I don’t really struggle. My life is a cake walk compared to Pastor Miguel. I have everything I need and more. In fact, probably too much. In America, we are in such excess, and we don’t even realize it.
I worry about what I will wear, choosing from a closet full of items, while Pastor Miguel is just happy to have something to put on his back and his family’s. It doesn’t matter what it looks like.
While I worry about what I will eat and how it will taste, Pastor Miguel is just praying he will have enough to provide for his sweet servant family.
I worry about having enough money to go on a vacation, while Pastor Miguel is a continent away living a life that never has a vacation, ever.
At this moment on the trip home, I am trying to understand how in the world to process all I have seen and what to do with that once I go back to my comfortable life. I’ll have to explain to my children that I have seen children who live day to day with crusted mud and dirt in between their toes, hardly ever getting a bath to be clean. And despite that, they smile ear to ear. They are loved abundantly by the mothers who brought them to receive a gift that probably costs more than they could ever make in even one month.
How do I lovingly explain to my children that they are so incredibly blessed with all they need?
Be sure to check out all the posts about my mission trip to Ecuador.
- How God Answered My Prayer For…
- Last Words Before Leaving for Ecuador
- My Mission Trip to Ecuador with Operation Christmas Child – Day One
- My Mission Trip to Ecuador with Operation Christmas Child – Day Two
- What Operation Christmas Child Means to the Kids’ Moms *VIDEO
Have you been on a mission trip? How did you process everything during your re-entry?
So glad you went on a mission trip. I have had the priviledge
to be part of 7 including one to Cuba and another to Bosnia (Eastern
Europe). Most importanly, was the backyard mission trip as we served
“El Shaddai” after the flood 2 yrs ago.
An outside of the country mission trip is an impacting
lifechanging humbling experience full of a wide range of
emotional touches. A very personal story develops before, during and
as we come back to our reality.
I daily ask God to not let me forget there is a mission
field here. I don’t have to fly anywhere. I can’t I have
a 6 yr old, a 4 yr old and soon a new born. So, when
I see foreigners or Hispanics in any place I go, I treat them,
like God call us to. I see them like if I was there……
Glad God gave you this opportunity not to serve them, they
help us more than we do them. Bendiciones hermana.
Iveth – Yes, I served with you there at “El Shaddai”!!!And you are so right, there is a HUGE mission field right here where we are. My desire is that God would put that fire in me for those around me here, and not just when I leave the country. Thank you so much for your sweet message here.
You’re probably experiencing what they call reverse culture shock…where your home culture strikes hard upon return as excessive, loud, fast, expensive, etc. It can be overwhelming and disorienting-I remember wondering who I was a little bit when I came back from my first trip. I felt this rejection to my home culture and value system at the same time as I really didn’t belong to the new one I’d experienced either. The good thing is our identity is in Christ and we really don’t belong in either one. Keep your heart open to God’s voice. There is no shame in what we have. The important thing is to use it for his glory. Your life’s path is already moving in that direction or you wouldn’t have this blog or ministry of Faithful Provisions. Who knows what He will entrust to you? Blessings and best wishes as you settle back in to life here with your family!
P.S. Here is a good article I found on the subject:
Esther, thank you so much for your encouragement. You are exactly right, it has been a bit of a culture shock, but in reverse. But, I love your words about how my identity is in Christ, you are so right!
As memories and experience begin to unravel in the weeks ahead, I look forward to reading more of the blessing as the Lord reveals.
After a recent trip to Kenya and Uganda, Africa, my husband came home with confirmation in his spirit of the Lord’s plans for our family in missions. We have started a nonprofit and are preparing for an August trip back to Kenya – this time for our family of six. (Along with others.)
Our fifteen year old son designed the website above: adornthetruthinternational.org (Of course I think it’s amazing! lol) Traveling in uncharted waters, we’d appreciate any suggestions you may have with regard to website, etc. – And anything else you’d like to share! <3
Love reading your posts!
Una de las bendiciones que Dios me ha dado es haberme dado la oportunidad de tener un padre maravilloso, quien desde mi infancia, con su ejemplo me enseño el amor a Dios y la importancia de confiar en sus promesas. Durante toda mi niñez y juventud los mas lindos recuerdos son aquellos donde dedicábamos tiempos para servirle al Señor.
Han pasado mucho tiempo desde que Dios me llamo a su servicio pero cada día mi pasión por servirle crece mas y mas . Estoy muy contenta con la familia que tengo porque cada uno de ellos son parte de la obra para el reino de la eternidad y se que Dios cubre cada una de nuestras necesidades tal como lo dice en su palabra. Mateo 6:33
Gracias por escribir sobre mi familia .. en verdad lo aprecio mucho y al leerlo me ayuda a recordar cuan bueno es Dios y cuan grande es su poder.
Maribel Pumisacho
Hija de Pastor Miguel
One of the blessings that God has given me is the opportunity to have a wonderful father, who since my infancy, with his example he taught me the love of God and the importance of trusting in His promises. Throughout my childhood and youth, the most beautiful memories are those where we dedicated time serving the Lord. It has been a while since God called me into His service, but each day mi passion to serve Him grows and grows. I am very content with the family that I have because each one of them are part of the Work of the Eternal Kingdom and I know that God meets each one of our needs just as His Word says. Matthew 6;33
Thank you for writing about our family..truthfully I appreciated reading it and to read it helps me to remember when God is good and how powerful He is.
Sheila – Thank you so much for translating that for me!!!