When you shop at Target this week make sure to take this printable coupon with you to get Mederma for FREE. There are some price cuts on Mederma products & you may find them priced as low as $2, making them FREE after coupon! Leave a comment below & let us know if you find this in your area!
Mederma for Kids Scar Treatment – $2
–$2/1 ANY Mederma Scar Product
Final Price: FREE!
Find more printable coupons in my coupon database. Be sure to check out the rest of this week’s Target deals before heading out!
Thanks, Totally Target for the deal & photo!
I saved so much by using 33 coupons total. 16 were manufacturer coupons clipped from the Sunday papers and 17 were Target store coupons. At Target you’re allowed to “stack” coupons which means you can use one manufacturer coupon and one Target coupon per item. When you can match both types of coupons to an item on sale, you’re guaranteed some crazy savings!
Thank you.
This campaign is over, no more prints!
I found Mederma for $2 here in the Florida panhandle. I was able to use the coupon.
The price cut for Mederma was found in Northcentral IA, and I was able to get 2 for FREE! Yay!
I got 2 free today at the Hermitage, TN location! Thanks a bunch!!!!!!!