UPDATE: To read this on your Kindle you will want to download a free Kobo app for Android at Freeware Lovers
- Go to your Kindle and press the settings button (the little circle thing on the top right of the screen).
- Click more, Click device, go to “allow Instillation of Applications from unknown sources” & select on.
- Go to Free Ware Lovers App (from your kindle) and download the Kobo app. When it’s finished you’ll see a file.
- Click it & install it. Sign in to your Kobo account and you should be good to go.
If you own an e-reader, Kindle or iPad you can download books 1-3 of The Hunger Games series for only $3.06!
Just add whichever eBook (or all 3) to your cart and add the following promo codes during checkout:
The Hunger Games – $5.51
-Use promo code HUNGERGAMESDEAL at checkout
Final Price: $0.83
Catching Fire (The Second Book of the Hunger Games) – $7.70
-Use promo code HUNGERGAMESDEAL2 at checkout
Final Price: $1.16
Mockingjay (The Final Book of the Hunger Games) – $7.14
-Use promo code HUNGERGAMESDEAL3 at checkout
Final Price: $1.07
Final Price for All 3 ebooks = $3.06!
Have you read The Hunger Games series? Do you plan to read them or see the movie? Check out this post from Air One Radio for another perspective. I’d love to hear your thoughts. Leave a comment below & let me know what you think!
Thanks, Hip2Save!
Check out this link for details on how to download these eBooks to your Kindle
Could only get the first book with code, other two in separate transactions wouldn’t work
Try waiting about 10-15 minutes between each transaction & try again. If that doesn’t work, there are some helpful tips in the comment section of Hip2Save’s post for your reference as well. I hope that helps!
I was able to download the first one with no problems. I had issues getting the 2nd & 3rd books. I waited a while, signed out of Kobo & then was able to get the 2nd book when using the code HUNGERGAMESDEAL (I typed it in, didn’t copy & paste). It worked fine for me.
I’m having the same trouble getting book #3, so I think I’ll log out & wait a bit before trying again.
There billing isn’t working on their site, at least for me. I’ve tried 2 different credit cards and paypal and it tells me my information is incorrect each time
Same here. I have tried two different cards.
Me too! I hope it wasn’t a scam just to get my cc info!
I tried ordering the books, but it says that Kindle books are set to automatically be charged (1-click billing). There’s no way to turn it off to add promo codes. Any ideas?
Hmm.. I didn’t have that issue. There are some helpful tips for Kindle users in the comment section of Hip2Save’s post. I hope that helps!
I already have the first book so I tried it for the second book, and it said the promo code was not active. Perhaps they have already had too many use it.
I can’t get the code to even work for the first book:( Really sad about this issue. I did have to go in and delete my credit card info to get to the promo code screen tho. Unfortunately, still didnt work.
Contacted Amazon and this is the response I received:
“While this website might be offering merchandise, gift cards, or other items from Amazon.com as a reward for participating in a promotion, the site is not officially affiliated with Amazon.com and we do not endorse this promotion.”
I was. Only able to use code for first book would hot allow me To order the other two. Code could hot be applied
I was able to get all 3. I ended up having to make 3 different accounts (and I used different browsers…firefox, chrome, etc). I think just 3 different accounts might have helped. And then I just used the code: HUNGERGAMESDEAL for ALL 3 books.
Creating 3 accounts also creates 3 different libraries, right? So you don’t have all 3 books together in the app? I’m new to ebooks and need it to be as easy as possible. I’m also having problems getting the 2nd and 3rd books.
There wasn’t an option for me to put in a promo code. It just buys the book automatically. Oh well.
It finally worked. I bought 2 & 3 in separate transactions, with some time in between. I used HUNGERGAMESDEAL for both. Thanks for sharing!
Well, I can’t get amazon to take any of the codes. I’m doing this on my iPad,but for my kindle. Any suggestions?
You need to follow the links to get the books from Kobo. These codes are not valid on Amazon.
Got books 1&2, now it says code expired:(
You are right the codes are done as of March 30th. But there is a code that takes 40% off it is c4auto40 – 40% off on Kobo.
Another code I got to work is c4auto45
Another code I got to work for book 3 is c4auto45
Downloaded The Hunger Games to my computer on Kobo. Now how do I get it on my Kindle Touch? Hopefully, someone can give me some DETAILED insturctions. Thanks in advance for any help.