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Get FREE Nivea Creme Lotion when you use the $2 coupon from Sunday’s insert. If you find the 2 oz tube in the travel section at Walmart for only $1.97, you can get it for FREE!
Here’s how the deal looks:
Nivea Creme Lotion, 2 oz (travel size) – $1.97
-$2/1 Nivea hand or body lotion, 1.7-13.5oz 04/29/2012 RP Insert (exp 05/27/2012)
Final Price: FREE!
If you’re not able to find the travel sizes in your local store, you can also use the coupon on the regular sizes to get them for less than $1.
Check out the rest of the deals in this week’s Walmart weekly ad before you head out.
Thanks, I Heart the Mart for the photo & deal!
I got eggs yesterday that were marked down to $1.00 in the meat section of Winn Dixie along with a peelie for 75 cents off Franks RedHot sauce which also presently has a manufacturer’s coupon on-line. The eggs do not expire until June so I bought several dozen. This time I am going to try my hand at freezing them.
My mom is a freezer queen (Ha) and freezes eggs all of the time. She has to watch my Dads egg yolk intact so she puts one egg yolk to every three egg whites, mixes them with her mixer and measures out 1/4 cup of the mixture (which equals one egg) to muffin tins to freeze. Then she puts them into ziplock bags and takes them out as needed. They are good for everything but she does not use them when she is baking from scratch. 5 seconds in the microwave is enough to thaw one. They are great for omlettes and any mix that calls for eggs.
Thought I would share….
how do I print the coupons? I love the deals you bring to my attention, however, I never can print the actuall cooupon. Plz advise