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Well, we reached the end of our study, and it has been challenging, rewarding, and a lot of fun. I am so thankful for the ladies who joined me on Tuesday nights to delve into God’s Word. I know that we never saw each other face to face, and I never served any refreshments, LOL, but it was just good to get together and see what God was doing in your lives through His Word. Here are our final chat notes.
Question 1: What was your favorite verse on p. 147 and why? Which blessing most applied to you?
Lisa: I love Galations 6:9. Psalm 130 is a favorite too
Abby: Mine was definitely Galatians 6:9 also. It’s such an encouraging verse especially in the midst of the business of life as a parent of young children where you feel like you’re not seeing the benefits of everything you do.
Kelly: And Abby, that’s the kind of work that we can definitely grow tired of!
Clarice: I really like Psalm 130:5-7; the words spoke to my heart about putting hope in the Lord and that leading to blessings of unfailing love and redemption.
Question 2: After reading 2 Corinthians 12:1-10, why do you think Paul doesn’t tell us what his “thorn” was? Is it important? What do you think about his constant pleading to remove it? What does that teach you about prayer? (p.152)
Kelly: I have had different thorns in different seasons of my life.
Abby: I agree, I think the whole point was that it doesn’t matter what the thorn was.
Lisa: I want to check out Matthew Henry’s commentary that she referred to. The thorn being a messenger of Satan-which he sent for evil but God designed it and overruled it for good.
Betsy: He was saying that he shouldnt boast of his strengths, and rather he could boast of his weaknesses, but his weaknesses become his strength. I thought if he detailed his “thorn” then he would have been boasting
Lisa: I agree that everyone’s thorn is different.
Abby: I also think it shows how even persistent prayer doesn’t change God’s plans for us- sometimes the thorns in our lives are meant to shape us and we have to trust that He knows what is best for us.
Question 3: What did you think about the statement, “Surrender is about the will, trust is about the heart”? (p. 156) Does obedience mean our heart condition has changed? Why or why not?
Abby: I don’t think that being obedient means our heart has definitely changed… I think we can begrudgingly be obedient and do it without joy. The challenge is to trust God completely and then we can obey with joy even if we don’t fully understand His plans.
Martha: yes and often the heart change follows
Betsy Kiplinger: agree Martha
Clarice: @Kelly, I’ve myself have the will to surrender to God, but it definitely takes a heart relationship with the Lord to trust.
Abby: I agree Martha, but I think God really wants us to trust Him before we see what happens, if that makes sense.
Kelly: Abby, I love that you brought up joy. When we are begrudging (great word) then we miss out on the joy.
Question 4: Do you have mementos of memories that you can’t let go of? Have you ever thought about getting rid of those things? Why do you think people hold on to reminders of past sin?
Betsy: I think people hold onto reminders of past sin, to keep punishing themselves.
Lisa: I was challenged to look at some of the things I have been holding onto. Why was I allowing these old memories to take up God space in my heart?
Clarice: Yes, Betsy, it can be to punish themselves or to hang on to something that was familiar.
Abby: I’ve held onto things because I felt like they were part of my life and if I got rid of them it would be like “erasing” that whole chapter. For me it wasn’t so much about remembering good times as it was just a part of my past.
Betsy: That was what the book was speaking of, but I think holding onto past sins even if it lacks good memories, keeps one from being able to move forward and open oneself to other possibilities
Abby: Now I see there really isn’t any point!
Question 5: Have you ever had to step out of a relationship or group environment and stand alone because of your personal convictions? What happened?
Betsy: Yes, an old incident for me,when I was a girl scout counselor, one of my supervisors chewed me out for how I treated the kids, but I felt I was in the right, she threatened firing me, but in the end, she was fired. Scared me silly, I was just a teenager. But, I was in the right, and I stood by it eventhough I thought i was going to be fired.
Martha: I have moved on and all speak if we meet.
Lisa: I had an experience at my old job- with office friends. It was a difficult situation.
Question 6: How have you seen the clear moving of God’s Hand in your life during this Bible study?
Betsy: I think I’m still in the wilderness, and need to remain patient and faithful.
Abby: This study has really challenged me to re-evaluate my priorities and focus on putting God first. I realized how much I valued approval and have been able to take steps to changing that and allowing God to fill the places in my life I previously tried to fill up with other things.
Martha: Stay………Let go……….Be open to Him ……….Isaiah 43:18-19
Clarice: It’s been a positive eye-opening experience for me to learn about idols and functioning gods. I am growing in my relationship with God.
Lisa: This Bible study has been a great blessing to me. I have been challenged in so many ways. Make Room has been a daily prayer for me. I continue to press on, heading North! Haven’t reached the promise land- but I am almost there!!
No Other Gods Week 7-8: Overview and Video
This week the study focused on “The Road Ahead” and “Making Room.” I was so pleased to welcome the author of our study when she guest posted yesterday. You can read Kelly Minter’s article Why Fellowship Takes Work and Vulnerability HERE.