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Reader Sara shared her recent Kroger trip with me. She was able to get all the items in this picture for FREE (only paid tax). I love the way my readers are using their great deals to live generously by donating to tornado victims and other charities!
This is what I was able to get for free (i paid tax) to donate to tornado victims. Its worth over 80 dollars and I paid only tax! Being a one income family of four this was a way I could help out and remain within our family budget! My 3 year old already knows to ask if we have a coupon for something so this was another way to teach my family about giving to others and helping those in need! I’ve only been couponing about 3 months and only buy 2-4 papers, so I am by no means extreme, just trying to save money and live generously!! Thanks for all you do!!
Look at what she was able to get for FREE!
8 boxes Ronzoni pasta
4 bottles Similac (1 qt each)
4 boxes fixodent denture cleanser
3 boxes Crest pro health paste
5 Crest toothbrushes
3 packs Ivory bar soap
4 bottles body wash
1 roll paper towels
1 bottle vinegar
Great job, Sara!
You can find the coupon matchups here to get these great deals.
Check out more Kroger Mega Event deals on Faithful Provisions
That is awesome! My 3 year old does the same thing lol. I have a box of toiletries I’ve acquired free by couponing, and I am getting ready to send it to disaster victims. Like Sara, I’ve been couponing this way for a few months now, and don’t have alot of extra income to donate so this is a great way to help out. When people ask me about couponing, I always try to mention that it can be a way to get free or cheap items to donate, not just get a big stockpile for myself. Alot of people don’t think about that.
You did a great job with your coupons. Question…I cannot locate Creamette Quik Cook pasta. I found the other that is on sale just not the quik cook. Will the Creamette coupons that I printed work on the regular Creamette? Thanks
It’s amazing how you made what would of been a small donation so big by using coupons. I know that the tornado victims really appreciated it and needed it.