I saw this great post in my instagram feed the other day from Chatting at the Sky: One Thing Your Daughter Doesn’t Need You to Say, and it hit home, so I wanted to share it with you. I really feel that one of the gifts the Lord has given both my kids is the gift of leadership. And after all, let’s face it, we’re all leading someone. I don’t know what that’s going to grow into as they get older and fulfill His calling on their lives, but I do know that others will follow them, no matter what they are doing. Again, I believe that’s true for all of us.
I loved the writer’s take on the pressure that we put on our kids, and I am just as guilty of that as anybody. This post was a great reminder that the important thing to teach my kids is to just encourage them constantly to be an example of our need for dependence on Christ, for His forgiveness, and to show the world what a life covered in grace and mercy looks like. Check out Chatting with the Sky’s post HERE.