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If you weren’t able to be a part of a Jesse Tree ornament exchange this year, there are lots of great Advent printables available online, with many different ornament ideas for you, that you can print, color, and cut out. You are not too late to enjoy this activity with your family. Just double up each day until you get to the day that you are supposed to be on. (There are 25 days in all.) Here are some that I like, from some of my favorite bloggers.
Ann Voskamp offers a FREE Family Jesse Tree Devotional downloadable booklet (above) that includes devotionals plus ornaments HERE.
Jessica Wolstenholm has a wonderful free printable Advent calender HERE (pictured above) that guides you through each day of Advent with Scripture, conversation starters, and great ideas for helping very young children celebrate and understand Advent.
::We love the printables from the folks at Christmas Your Way HERE. Read about how we make memories each year with our printable ornament Advent calendar HERE.
What is a Jesse Tree for Advent? Learn more about this unique Christmas learning tradition on Faithful Provisions.