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Check out my Provisions iPhone App or the printable version “Get It Now” list for my favorite everyday deals at Aldi.
Things to know…
- Prices vary by region.
- You must have a quarter to get a shopping cart; you get it back when you return the cart.
- Payment options are only debit cards or cash.
- You bag your own groceries and bring your own bags, they have bags for 5¢ at the register.
- Go here for a list of my favorite everyday Aldi low prices.
The start dates for sales are based on the map below. Prices will change on Wednesday, Thursday or Sunday depending on your location on the map.
Find more great deals in your Aldi store ad.
More Aldi deals at Beltway Bargain Mom.
Looking for a coupon? Find it on my Coupon Database.
I shopped at Aldi today and got some beautiful artisan lettuce (it looks like 3 or 4 different kinds – like a spring mix except the whole heads) for 99 cents! I know this would be much more at a regular store. I also got a take-and-bake baguette – it baked up crispy and yummy for our garlic bread today – for $1.99, which is more than some French bread but it tasted like the kind that’s $3 or 4. Also, not so frugal, but I got some sea salt caramels (chocolate covered!) for $2.99. I love the little surprises there!
Thanks for all you do!