There are really only a few things I typically purchase and they are all Aldi brand, and can hold up to any name brand in my opinion! These items are priced generally the same all the time. Here are a list of items I often purchase with the prices:
- $2.19 Gallon Milk
- $.39/LB Bananas (they are packaged in bunches)
- $.99 Sour Cream
- $.99 Tortillas (Thanks Liesl!)
- $.99 Dozen Large Eggs
- $1.79 Instant Oatmeal (we buy this as a staple!)
- $1.99 Salsa in the Fridge section (the BEST salsa…seriously!)
- $.99 Bag of Tortilla Chips
- $.99 Brown Sugar 2 LB
- $1.15 Ketchup 32 oz
- $.89 Box of Saltine Crackers
- $1.69 Box of Bread (Ritz) Crackers
- $.99 Dijon and Honey Mustard
- $1.99 Laundry Soap (Thanks Jill!)
- $.99 3-lb. Bag of Onions (White, Sweet or Red)
And, a few other prices I wanted to remember for future reference:
- $1.33 Flour 5-pound Bag
- $2.08 Sugar 5-pound Bag
- $1.99 Shredded Cheese
These prices are good for me to remember in the event I’m out of something and want to find the lowest price if no sales exist. If you want to see if there is an Aldi near you, click here. Also, I just saw that Aldi has a menu planner you can use which is a great benefit. You can find the menu planner here.
Do you shop at Aldi? What is your overall opinion of the store? What Aldi products do you love? My favorite is the Aldi Salsa!
I LOVE their salsa, blue corn chips and their pimento cheese (as good as the Fresh Market!)
I tried a bag of stir fry veggies that was so good. It had snowpeas, mushrooms, broccoli, carrots, the little mini corns, water chestnuts. It was better than any other I’ve bought before. I realized after I got to the bottom of the bag that it came with a sauce. I haven’t tried it though, I have my own recipe that I really like. this is a great quick meal if you already have cooked chicken in the freezer, and I have my stir fry sauce made up ready to go in the fridge. just cook rice with it and your done.
I just got home from Aldi! I LOVE their salsa too.
We love their tortillas, sour cream, and yogurt. Their fruits and veggies are almost always an amazing deal too.
WE use their laundry soap. It’s the liquid kind that does 32 loads for $1.99! (or was it $2.99 – very cheap anyways!)
How can one go to Aldi and not get their chocolate. Real Belgian chocolate without the Euro price.
Dark chocolate without Dairy and Orange almond chocolate that is wonderful. Better tasting than the high price boutique chocolate for less than 1/2 the price.
I also purchase our Oatmeal (old fashioned oats or Quick) at Aldi. 42 OZ for $1.79
about 1/2 the price from any other store.
We like a lot of their products but the best deal (for us) is their pepperoni. We make homemade pizza weekly and it’s considerably cheaper at Aldi’s than conventional grocery stores.
Maggie, we actually picked some up today!!
Ten years ago, I used to drive out to ALDI in Smyrna once every other month to stock up my pantry. Back then I could fill my cart to overflowing for $100! I love all the products you’ve mentioned, but don’t forget they frequently have cucumbers for $.25 each and their butter is usually equal to other stores’ sale price. Last week I bought red grapefruit for $.25 each, a wonderful price. Sometimes they even have the ruby reds for that price!
I don’t know in what area you live in but here in Wisconsin I paid
$1.99 for milk
>89 for sour cream
$1.49 butter
.39lb bananas
I love Aldis they really have helped with cutting my grocery budget.My hubby just got laid off from the company that he has worked for over 30 years.Thank goodness I was born thrifty.Go Aldis.
I could NOT maintain my budget without Aldi! My family moved to TN a year ago and discovered them. Since then we’ve been pleasantly surprised to find that most of their items are BETTER than the brands we’ve grown up on. For instance, I’ve been a true-blue GM Cherrios girl my whole (37 yrs!) life. In the past, I would try generic because I realized one of the biggest $ drainers is cold cereal but just couldn’t stand the taste. ALDI “cheerios” are BETTER than General Mills! No kidding. The best part is they stay crunchy in milk FAR longer than GM’s. I like a BIG bowl of cereal for a nighttime snack and when you get to the last bite…..CRUNCH!
Also, couldn’t make it without their $.79 bread. We do alot of sandwiches!!
Great list! In addition to the things you mentioned, we also stock up on their mini-applesauce packs, cereals, canned veges, tissues, paper towels, cream-of-soups, canned beans, spaghetti sauce, mac & cheese, and dried beans. If I’m splurging, I love their Nutella as well. Occasionally they also have great deals on their seasonal products (home goods & toys), so I always look in those beans for gift ideas.
I try not to shop at Aldi's for anything other that their fresh foods and milk. The sodium content is sky high.
I try not to shop at Aldi's for anything other that their fresh foods and milk. The sodium content is sky high.
Aldis is wonderful, and PS I have a friend who was a DM for aldi’s the cereals are manufactured by GM. I also agree the cereals are just as good if not better, I love the honey nut cheerio nock off. Better than name brand. Aldi has really stepped up in the last 10 years its my bi weekly go to. I can pay 70 bucks for a full basket of stock up items to last month or more
ps who can beat 1.49 for cereals with no coupons or sale price
aldi has definitely saved our grocery budget! we go every week and there are usually only a few things we have to run to the bigger grocery store for that aldi doesn’t carry (green onion, fresh chicken breast – not frozen). the aldi near us doesn’t have a large selection of fresh fruits/veggies, but the veggies we do get there are priced at about HALF that of the larger grocery stores. (we haven’t tried the salsa but will add that to the list for next week. thanks for the suggestion!)
Love all the chips at Aldis.Tast as good as name brands and you get a great savings.
Oh, agreed Mike! Their Clancy’s are great, and pretty simple ingredients, which I like.
If you haven’t yet tried Aldi’s frozen asparagus & green beans, add them to next weeks list! They are both “petite” versions, so they are very tender. I was pleasantly surprised by their flavor!
Love Aldi’s for so many things. It is a lifesaver, and has improved so much from what it started as.
I love their salsa too and most things that I get there. Their string cheese, peanut butter (which is natural), hummus, salad dressings, frozen pizzas, grapes, strawberries, zucchini, squash and so much more!
I love going to Aldi about twice a month. Things I routinely purchase: Vanilla Wafers-$1.39, sugar, flour, pickles, milk, eggs, shredded cheeses, cereal, Pine Sol, fresh veggies, and LOVE their canned tomatoes, tomato sauce and paste. The cream soups are good too….some without MSG at $0.49 a can! All of these are much cheaper than Wal Mart and the quality is great. I do better on butter at Costco. We do not care for their crackers but the chips are great too. The fresh veggies are generally great and grown in the USA rather than Mexican strawberries at WalMart.
Have shopped at Aldi for years. Love their refrigerated cinnamon rolls in the can. And their brand of Spaghettios. My kids will only eat Aldi brand of these items! Every Spring they have hanging flower baskets for 5.99 and 2.99 mums in the Fall. These flowers always look prettier and grow better than the ones I pay 3 times that much for elsewhere. Occasionally they will have bouquets for 3.99. I got 6 bright pink roses with greenery recently that smelled great and lasted 10 days!
Do you think you can possibly update this list? I know the economy hit Aldi with some price increases. I’m new to shopping at Aldi and have been trying to compile my own list as I go along, but I’d love to see this one updated.
ALDI is the best . We cut our budget by a bunch, and we want to cut even more.
This list needs to be edited or removed! Aldi milk in Gadsden, AL is $3.49 per gallon. I like Aldi but I went over there expecting to get milk at this price and it did not happen.
I have loved their spaghetti sauce among 1,000 other items they sell. Off brand items are amazingly good. I love Aldi’s.
I always grap the canned cinnamon and Orange sweet rolls, frozen ciabatta rolls, and milk. My kids do a lot of snacking so the double stuffed oreo knockoffs and fruit snacks are a great buy. I think I only make the trip to get salsa and blue corn chips. Artichoke garlic is amazing!
I like to pre-order and buy Christmas bouquets for my volunteers a work as their Christmas gift. Once the order didn’t come in on time so I had to go to Walmart and pay more, but it’s easy enough to get the flowers, put them in a bucket of water and leave them at the office for our final event. Can’t have too many beautiful flowers, and it’s an economical gift that can be tossed when it’s served it’s purpose!!
I usually only make salsa in larger quantities for events but might need to try that salsa. I use so much of it at times I usually just make some from a can of plain tomatoes, and I add the other stuff fresh. Thanks for the heads up on that!
I love my Aldi store here in Troy, Michigan. I’m there usually twice a week. Besides the excellent prices on everyday and seasonal items, everyone there knows my name and I know thiers. I have so many favorite items from Aldi but I highly recommend combining these ingredients for a yummy, healthy salad: Aldi bagged spinach, chopped romaine, blueberries or cut up strawberries, candy-coated pecans-they have THE best price on these (I pound them into pieces), and Aldi’s “Raspberry Vinaigrette”. Enjoy!
I am a native of germany, so I grew up shopping at Aldi. Even though the assortment is different from germany, I love going to Aldi for some of the european items. Can’t beat their prices.
I love Aldi’s but don’t see prices like these anymore, unfortunately. For example, eggs are never less than $1.59 in New York. All of their baking items have gone up significantly too. An updated list would be helpful!
Aldi prices vary by region. The prices listed here are what I find in my local area (Tennessee). Hope that helps!
We love the Artisan lettuce for under $2! Also love the shredded cheese and the fact it’s in a larger size bag!
Love that their sandwich bread is made w/o soy flour (we have an allergy), but hate that their refrigerated crescent rolls and biscuits are made with it.
We just recently got an Aldi’s store nearby. Had never been to one before. Everyone going in was confused about the buggys! But, my goodness! What a great place to shop for groceries. We are going back tomorrow and will definitely try out the cereal and salsa! This time we’ll know to bring a quarter and reusable shopping bags.
I shop Aldi every week to stock up on their fresh produce. The prices for grapefruits, lemons, melons, organic bananas, baby bell mushrooms, zucchini, mangos can’t be beat. Frozen Wild Caught Salmon is cheaper than anywhere else. Frozen peas, which I love, have not salt added.
They are starting to carry more organic items. They have frozen organic blueberries, strawberries, organic pasta, organic pasta sauce, organic salsa, organic applesauce, organic frozen piazza and organic frozen fruit popsicles.
Aldi owns Trader Joe’s which is another favorite store of mine.
This price list is really out of date. Everything has gone up….milk, egge, flour etc