If you’re planning to head out to Rite Aid, you will want to check the diaper aisle for clearance diapers! Huggies, Pampers, Luvs & Easy Ups are reportedly marked down 50%! Those $3/1 Huggies coupons should come in handy now, plus you can use a $5/25 Rite Aid coupon first to get a better deal!
Thanks, My Frugal Adventures!

I got an awsume deal on diapers. Not the size my little one is in right now but that’s ok I stock up anyway it will get used eventually. I got three packs of huggies diapers for 12 bucks. How? I used my 5 dollars off 20 coupon from rite aid adperks, (2)-3.00 off huggies diapers coupons internet printable, and (1)-3.00 off when you buy two huggies packs of diapers from manufacturer mailed to me when you suscribe to huggies. Happy shopping everyone.
Grabbed 126 for $12 plus tax in M’boro tonight with $5 /25, $1 off store coupon, and 3 of $3/1…thanks for the alert!
Hi Kelly!
Is this specific to certain Rite Aids? The West End one in downtown Nashville is not running any clearance deal on Huggies. Help!
must be what’s in stock they are trying to get rid of.pa confirmed
can confirm this in oregon?? went to klamath falls and no clearance on their diapers???