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There are 2 new coupons out for Nestle Crunch on Coupons.com right now. If your store doubles, you may get some candy almost free now by using the $.35/1 Nestle Crunch coupon. Otherwise, print out the coupons and hang on to them for this upcoming deal at Walgreens (beginning June 12):
Nestle Bars $.39 (Walgreens Sale begins 6/12/2011)
-Use $.35/1 Nestle Crunch coupon
Final Price: $.04!
Or, you can use both coupons to get 3 Nestle Crunch bars for $.08:
Buy [3] Nestle Bars – $.39 each (Walgreens Sale begins 6/12/2011)
-[2] $.35/1 Nestle Crunch (click the “back” button in your browser to print 2)
-Buy Two Get One Free Nestle Crunch
Final Price: $.08 for all three!
Thanks, Passionate Penny Pincher!
::Find all this week’s Walgreens Deals on Faithful Provisions!