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Here are my favorite deals at CVS this week. This is a pretty good week at CVS. There aren’t a lot of school supply deals yet, but you can get Free pens & a decent deal on Mead FiveStar (if you’re needing them anyway). There will also be several coupons in this Sunday’s upcoming insert, so make sure you get your Sunday paper before you head to out! Thanks to I Heart CVS for help compiling these.
Are you new to shopping at CVS? Checkout the Faithful Provisions Store Guide to help you get the best deals at CVS.
:: More CVS deals at The Thrifty Mama.
What does ECB wyb mean?
ECB – Extra Care Buck, June checkout my CVS 101 Store Tutorial to understand how it all works!
On the cvs deal for the schick razors can you use the b1g1 since it is for “disposable” razors and the razors they have in the ad are for reillable cartridges? TY for any info on this.
I called my CVS in East TN. and their price for the Bengay will be $5.79. Great for me that means it will be 5.79 x 1.0975 (this gives tax and cost of product combined since our tax is 0.975) = $6.35 – $5.00 printable coupon= $1.35 total oop including tax and I get bck $2.00. : ) money maker of .65. : )
The Schick deal is for a lot of different Schick products. I used my B1G1 disposables coupon today after I found that my CVS in East TN had Schick Slim Triples (pack of 8 disposables) on sale for 8.39. I also used a $1/1 any Schick disposable razor, which made my 2 packs 7.39. I also got 2 Skintimate Shave Creams (on sale for 2.19) and used two $1/1 coupons. So in total I spent 7.39 + 2.38 = 9.77 and I got $10 ECB! I love moneymakers at CVS!!!! I go every Sunday for the best deals and today I got $131.00 of products for $30.00!!!!