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Here are some discount magazine deals for Monday, June 9th. These deals are good Today Only.
Today only, subscribe to Bloomberg Businessweek Magazine for a 3 year subscription for $20.00 (86% off)! Just enter coupon code FAITHFULPROVISIONS at checkout. (New subscribers only)
Today only, subscribe to New York Magazine for only $5.99 per year (78% off)! You can order up to 4 years at this price! Just enter coupon code FAITHFULPROVISIONS at checkout.
Today only, subscribe to Town & Country Magazine for only $6.99 per year (53% off)! You can order up to 3 years at this price! Just enter coupon code FAITHFULPROVISIONS at checkout.
Today only, subscribe to Inc & Fast Company Bundle Magazine for only $8.99 per year (62% off)! You can order up to 4 years at this price! Just enter coupon code FAITHFULPROVISIONS at checkout.
These offers expire at Monday 06/09/14 11:59 PM EST EST