I received a special heads up that Friday’s Groupon in my area is going to be for professional teeth whitening from Matt McGee, DDS, PC.
Dr. McGee supplied Faithful Provisions with some information about the professional whitening offer, which includes custom trays and three tubes of whitening gel.
Are whitening strips and professional whitening basically the same?
No. While both will whiten your teeth, patients achieve better results that last longer with professional whitening. The professional whitening material contains a higher concentration of hydrogen peroxide (the active ingredient), and it cannot be purchased over the counter. The custom trays also fit your teeth perfectly, unlike strips.
How soon will results be visible?
Typically, results will be apparent within 10 to 14 days.
How long must the trays be worn?
Typically, trays must be worn twice a day for 30 to 60 minutes or overnight.
If white strips haven’t worked for me, will professional whitening work?
Many of our patients who did not achieve results with white strips have had great results with our professional trays.
I know a lot of people use white strips, but after reading his points, it seems like people get much better results with professional whitening. If you have been thinking about professional whitening, check out the Groupon Friday!
So, what do you think? Do professional whitening trays or commercial whitening strips provide the most savings in the long run?

My father is a dentist, and having worked in his office for a number of years, I can testify that the professional whitening works much better! White strips do have some effect, but for anyone with staining or a lot of whitening to be done, going professional is the best way. Cost would vary widely by area, but where I live in NC, the cost for bleaching trays is about $350. Bottles of whitening gel cost $25, but last for a long time since you need just a small amount each time.
Rembrandt 2-Hour Whitening Kit works amazing well. It is a little pricy at around $24 for the kit, but it really works. I have been buying this for my teenage daughter for some time now with great results. Her dentist even asked what she was using, as he was very impressed with it’s results.
I used to work for Dr. McGee!! That is so funny!!! Trays are the best!!
My mom just bought me and my sister the professional grade Crest whitining strips from our orthodontist. We have been able to tell a big difference! Just my two cents.
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