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Here are some of the best deals at Dollar General this week. Thanks to Nicole’s Nickels for help compiling them.
You can print a $5 off purchase of $25 coupon. There are also more Dollar General store coupons available to print.
Are you new to shopping at Dollar General? Checkout the Faithful Provisions Store Guide to help you get the best deals at Dollar General.
More Dollar General deals at Nicole’s Nickels.
Looking for a coupon? Find it on my Faithful Provisions Coupon Database.
Went to DG today and realized the Betty Crocker cookie mixes are “snack size” 8.5 oz and the coupons are for the 17.5 oz packages.
An associate at DG saw me with my coupon binder today and came over to make sure I knew they no longer accepted internet printable coupons, because some were bringing the total to below $0 and causing a money back scenario. I didn’t think this sounded correct that they would not allow ALL printable coupons because of this, but it didn’t affect my purchases today anyway. However, later, I checked their website and the coupon policy still says printable ones are OK. I emailed DG customer service and I’m waiting for a reply. Has anyone else had this issue?