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I read this post at The Thrifty Mama and just loved it! I would venture to say that many of us have felt this way at some point in our coupon journey.
Below is a little snippit of her article. Go here to see the full post with her 7 tips on finding peace!
“When I first started couponing, I would walk into the grocery store somewhat apprehensively. Coupon binder in hand I would grab my grocery cart, and glance around to see if I was getting any strange looks. “What will people think of me carrying around all these coupons?,” would cross my mind as I went through the automatic double doors. “Will I get evil looks from store employees?” It can be quite intimidating if you are new to couponing. Your heart is already racing with anticipation to see how much you will save. And you’ve spent hours upon hours preparing for this trip.
I remember getting so obsessed and excited, that sometimes I had trouble falling asleep. You’d think after spending hours sitting on the floor looking at inserts and clipping coupons, that I could put it out of my mind long enough to get some much needed rest. And then when I did fall asleep, I would dream about coupons. The mind can become bombarded with the never-ending bliss and sometimes fear of saving money.”
:: Go here for full article.