**Please note: This Giveaway is Closed. The winner is listed HERE.
Did you know there are kids in your community who will go without breakfast and lunch this summer? Without the benefit of school breakfast and lunch programs, many children must go without when classes are not in session. Here are the numbers:
- 16 million American children are what is known as “food insecure” (meaning they are at risk of going hungry)
- That number rises to 18.7 million children during the summer months
- America has enough food; 20 billion pounds of food go to waste each year
These numbers just astound me. It makes me sad to think of all the food that even my own family throws away at the end of a meal. There are kids within a few miles of me that would be excited to receive that handful of food that winds up in our trash. What can we do?
A Great Way to Help Feed Needy Kids
Juicy Juice is offering up a great way to help feed needy kids with The Fruit for All Project. Partnering with Feeding America and celebrity mom and anti-hunger advocate Samantha Harris, their goal is to put up to 35 million pieces of fruit in the hands of children and families in need. From now through August 31, a piece of fruit will be provided to hungry kids and their families each time Juicy Juice is purchased. Kids and their parents can also get involved by logging on to Juicy Juice’s Facebook page or FruitForAllProject.com to complete challenges like games, quizzes, and puzzles to earn even more fruit donations for those in need. But there’s something else I’m excited about…
Win Food for Your Local Food Pantry
One of my readers has a chance to win food for your local food pantry from Faithful Provisions and Juicy Juice! I cannot tell you how excited I was when Juicy Juice contacted me about the opportunity to give one of my Faithful Provisions readers a chance to give back. I know many of you use the savings from your weekly grocery shopping to give back, but what a great opportunity to give 400 meals to a local food pantry. (Giveaway details below!)
One of my big focuses with my kids is to get away from all the processed, preservative-laden foods and feed them more fresh fruits and veggies. I’m excited that that is the goal of Juicy Juice too, so that every time you buy one of their products, they will be giving away a piece of fruit.
Juicy Juice Coupons
Here are a couple of Juicy Juice coupons for you, but honestly, just knowing that they are going to be putting fruit into kids’ hands is a great incentive to purchase Juicy Juice, even without a coupon.
Faithful Provisions Giveaway Disclosure: Juicy Juice sponsored this giveaway. For more information about Faithful Provisions, please read my Disclosure Policy.
*One entry per person per method of entry per day. Be sure to enter a separate comment for each method of entry (one comment for Facebook, one comment for Twitter, etc.). This way you have a higher chance of winning.
**Up to 6 Entries per Person per Day
1. COMMENT: Leave a comment telling me your favorite fruits!
2. NEWSLETTER SIGN-UP: Subscribe to my Email Newsletter – even if you already receive it, add an entry as a comment below!
3. TWITTER: Follow Faithful Provisions and Juicy Juice on Twitter – two separate comments, one for each!
4. FACEBOOK: Follow Faithful Provisions and Juicy Juice on Facebook – two separate comments, one for each!
GIVEAWAY ENDS July 31, 2011, 11:59 PM, CST. The winner will be drawn using Random.org. The winner will be notified via email and the name will be posted on Facebook.
My favorite fruits are berries of all kinds!
I love pineapples. Thank you
I love cherries, plumbs, and pretty much any berry
I follow you on facebook
I follow you on twitter as @MommyMFS
I like Juicy Juice on facebook
I follow Juicy Juice on twitter as @MommyMFS
It’s hard to pick my favorite fruit to be honest with you. I love blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, mangoes, pineapples, bananas… I guess it’s easier to answer what’s my least favorite- pears.
Favorite of the moment is peaches–because really, southern fresh from the tree peaches are awesome!
I follow Faithful Provisions on Facebook (that’s how I found out about this amazing giveaway)!
My favorite fruit in season right now are cherries.
I follow Failthful Provisions on Facebook.
I follow you on Facebook!
I like strawberries and bananas.
email subscriber
Follow FP on Twitter.
Follow Juicy Juice on Twitter.
Liked Juicy Juice on Facebook.
I love cherries, peaches, blackberries and blueberries:)
I am an email subscriber.
Liked FP on Facebook.
I love berries: strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries.
email subscriber
Follow Faithful Provisions on Twitter.
Follow Juicy Juice on Twitter.
I love cherries!
Liked Faithful Provisions on Facebook.
I Like Faithful Provisions on facebook!
Email subscriber
I liked Juicy Juice on facebook!
Liked Juicy Juice on FB.
Mine are apples
I subscribe via e-mail.
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Any kind of melon!
I love nectarines and blueberries
I love fresh pineapple, nectarines/peaches and Honeycrisp apples!
I already subscribe to your newsletter!
Apples are my favorite! Just finished eating one!
Get your newsletter!
My favorite fruits are watermelon, pears, peaches, grapes, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries. I am not a huge fan of cantaloupe.
I receive the e-mails.
I follow you on facebook.
We love making fruit salad with all kinds of fruit in the sumner: watermelon, cantelope, honeydew, grapes and lots of berries!!
My favorite is oranges! Yum!
I follow you on Facebook!
My favorites are watermelon & peaches.
Follow Faithful Provisions on Twitter
Follow Juicy Juice on Twitter
Follow Faithful Provisions on Facebook
Follow Juicy Juice on Facebook
My favorites are watermelon, FL oranges, red grapes and cherries
Love blackberries, especially with a little whipped cream!
I receive your newsletter. Thanks!
I love grapes and pomegranites
favorite fruit is strawberries
email subscriber
faithful provisions twitter follower – @nosogirl
juicy juice twitter follower – @nosogirl
liked faithful provisions on fb – julie.reuter1
juicy juice fb fan – julie.reuter1
I love raspberries!
Right now snacking on fresh picked blackberries!
Watermelon is definitely my favorite fruit!
I love all kinds of berries.
email newsletter
Follow you on Twitter.
Liked you on FB.
I like strawberries and bananas in a smoothie.
I subscribe to your emails.
Liked you on FB.
I follow FP on Twitter.
my favorite fruit is oranges.
email subscriber – julie_reuter92 at yahoo dot com
i am a faithful provisions twitter follower – @nosogirl
i am a juicy juice twitter follower – @nosogirl
faithful provisions FB follower – julie.reuter1
juicy juice FB follower – julie.reuter1
I subscribe to your newsletter!
I love plums, grapes, strawberries, and bananas.
I love strawberries and blueberries!
I receive your emails
Follow faithful provisions on fb
Follow juicy juice on fb
one of my favorite fruits is oranges.
i’m an email subscriber – julie_reuter92 at yahoo dot com
i follow faithful provisions on twitter – @nosogirl
i follow juicy juice on twitter – @nosogirl
i liked faithful provisions on fb – julie.reuter1
i liked juicy juice on fb – julie.reuter1
Favorite fruit is apples, follow you on twitter, subscribe to your email newsletter, follow you on Facebook.
Our favorite fruit is APPLE!
one of my favorite fruits is the orange.
i’m a newsletter subscriber – julie.reuter92 at yahoo dot com
i’m a faithful provisions twitter follower – @nosogirl
i’m a juicy juice twitter follower – @nosogirl
i’m a faithful provision FB fan – julie.reuter1
i’m a juicy juice FB fan – julie.reuter1
We love bananas!
My favorite fruit is avocado!
I follow Faithful Provisions on Facebook
one of my favorite fruits is the orange
newsletter subscriber – julie_reuter92 at yahoo dot com
faithful provision facebook fan – julie.reuter1
juicy juice facebook fan – julie.reuter1
i follow faithful provision on twitter – @nosogirl
I’m a follower of juicy juice on twitter – @nosogirl
one of my favorites fruits is an orange
newsletter/email subscriber
liked you (FP) on FB – julie.reuter1
julie.reuter1 – liked juicy juice on FB
FP twitter follower (@nosogirl)
juicy juice twitter follower @nosogirl
watermelon is one fruit that i like to eat during the summer
i receive you newsletter – julie_reuter92 at yahoo dot com
i liked you (faithful provisions) on facebook – julie.reuter1
i have liked juicy juice on facebook – julie.reuter1
@nosogirl – i follow faithful provisions on twitter
@nosogirl – i follow juicy juice on twitter
during the summer one of my favorite fruits is strawberries. they can be used in a lot of summer recipes.
i subscribe to your newsletter via email
i am a faithful provisions twitter follower (@nosogirl)
i am a juicy juice twitter follower too (@nosogirl)
i have liked faithful provisions on facebook (julie.reuter1)
i have also like juicy juice on facebook (julie.reuter1)
I love apples – and a new fruit salsa recipe we had this summer!
I love Kiwi and Watermelon!!!
My family loves strawberries and Juicy Juice!