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This weekend Lowe’s and Home Depot are both having a Children’s Build Clinic. Click on each for more info.
Lowe’s Build & Grow Clinic: Saturday, July 25th from 10-11 am, create a cute helicopter You’ll need to sign up here.
Home Depot Kids Workshops: Saturday, August 1st from 9am – noon, build this cute message center.
I think you meant to say “next weekend” for Home Depot. Correct? Love your site.
If you want to live in a warm, cozy house, then you simply have to remove all excess moisture from the inside and make your cozy nest waterproof. These guys can definitely help you with this.direct waterproofing
Inspections are a very cool thing, without an inspection you should not buy a property at all, because after the purchase there may be shortcomings that you could not identify when buying. Therefore, Pest Inspection can save a lot of money, and in some cases even show that the house you want to buy is infested with termites and other pests.
Arguably basement can be one of the cosiest places in a house. Unfortunately in most houses basements are not waterproof or protected from basement leaks and water damage. Before you turn your basement into your favorite place in the house, I recommend doing basement waterproofing, it will help protect your investment.
Basement Waterproofers