Beginning April 12 and running through May 21, Kroger is inviting customers to visit You can design your own reusable grocery bag which enters you in the Kroger Reusable Shopping Bag Contest. I just designed mine and I did one last year that I still use with my logo on it!
*Get Your Free Reusable Bag*
Every Kroger Shopper’s Card holder who submits a design will receive a credit for a free reusable shopping bag.
Additionally, Krogers has partnered with Café Press so that after you submit your design,you can purchase a reusable canvas bag with their design on it. Or, you can enter to win a $25 Cafe Press Gift Code to get yours!
Cafe Press $25 Gift Code Giveaway
Kroger is offering a $25 Cafe Press Gift Code to one randomly selected winner. I will announce the winners on Friday, April 16, 2010.
Faithful Provisions Giveaway Disclosure: Kroger provided me with a $25 gift card from its One-Stop Gift Card Shop so that I could have my reusable bag design printed, as well as a gift code for one of my readers so they could do the same. For more information about Faithful Provisions, please read my Disclosure Policy.
Here’s how to enter:
1. Leave a comment and tell me how you stay green and help the environment!
2. One of each method of entry per person per day.
3. Additional Methods of Entry – Share about this giveaway the following ways and receive one entry for each.
**Leave a separate comment for each to let me know where you have shared it!
Hey! @FaithfulProv is offering a $25 Cafe Press Gift Code! Stop by to enter
Hey! @FaithfulProv is offering a $25 Cafe Press Gift Code! Stop by to enter
Faithful is offering a $25 Cafe Press Gift Code! Stop by to enter
Giveaway ends Thursday, April 15th at midight CST. The winner will be drawn using Winner will be notified via email and I will post the winners at Faithful Provisions.
I stay green by using reusable shopping bags … but I always feel SO guilty bringing in Publix bags to Kroger and vice versa!
I set up a recycling pick up at my office so we could all be more green! Love your giveaways, hope I win!!!
I just subscribed to your emails.
I use reusable bags every time I go grocery shopping!
I use reusable shopping bags. We also use cloth napkins, and we find that we only use a napkin when we really need it.
I subscribe to your emails.
Hi Kelly:
I am new to blogging and I love sharing information with my friends and family. I had already included your site as one of my links, but I also added your 25 dollar gift card giveaway to my blog for the day.
I use way more cloth dish towels and way less paper towels. It’s amazing how much money I save by only buying paper towels every 3 months. It’s awesome!!!
I’m an email subscriber!!!
I use reusable shopping bags and until recently I was carpooling to work
We compost our organic waste — coffee grounds, banana peels, egg shells . . . they go in our cute little porcelain compost bucket in the kitchen and then out to the yard where they become richer soil for our yearly tomato crop!
I posted the status on FaceBook!
We recycle!
I always bring my bags to the grocery store!
I recycle and take my own bags to the store!
I always bring my recycle bags with me when i shop!
On a side note, I was very excited to purchase my bag i designed, however, i keep getting an error when i click on “buy”. Anyone know how much it is to purchase the bag?
I had the same problem,So I email Kroger they email me back. At the time they were having problems,and said it should be up and running.I check and it was..It might be down again just keep trying or send Kroger a email about your problem.They will respond!!
I used to work for an airline until last month and at the end of each quarter I would haul off all the old/unused flight schedules and recycle them.
I haul around all kinds of stuff in my reusable bags.
I am sorting my trash and recycling more now than ever before!
I recycle!
email follower
I’ve just about given up paper towels! This is HUGE for me!
I use only all natural/earth friendly cleaning products around my home.
I recycle and I make crafts out of what would be trash to someone else. Example: I cut up cardboard boxes and cereal boxes. cereal boxes are the same thing as clip board pretty much, why buy that when you already have it? I use it in my cricut and then paint the letters or cover with paper as I would the regular chipboard. I use the thicker card board from boxes as the foundation of my wall art. I made a sign to hang in my cousins room, each one had their name on it and was alittle different but still the same colors. They are twins so they are simular, but still different personalities.
We use cloth diapers and cloth wipes.
I used recycled bags and earth friendly cleanign products =o)
I use reusable grocery bags.
i follow your blog on google reader
I love using reusable bags. I take them tons of places – not just the grocery store.
.-= Staci´s last blog ..Free Reusable Bag from Kroger =-.
I also follow Kroger on Twitter.
We don’t have curbside recycling here but we bring in our paper & cans. We also use reusable bags, & I hang laundry out to dry. Thanks
I have greatly improved at using my reusable bags this year. It used to be I would forget them in the trunk of the car. Now it has become a habit to bring them in the store. Yea!
I recycle cans, cardboard, glass, plastic and magazines.
We do a compost almost every year.
we recycle anything that can be!
Drinking from SIGG bottles and not buying plastic bottles.
We recycle as much as possible!
I help with the recycling at work!
compost! We love our compost bin. And I try to only run errands once or twice a week.
I’m using Earth friendly cleaning products.
I try to hang up towels/sheets/jeans on a clothes line.
We do everything we can around the house to stay green: reusable bags, reusable water bottles, high-efficiency light bulbs, recycle, etc.
I am never a litterbug! I’ve always been against it!
We don’t flush the toilet at night – it started when we had kids and has lasted three.five years. Water conservation!
We use cloth bags, only cloth in the kitchen, cloth diapers…a lot of cloth!
We also compost and make our own non-toxic cleaning products. 
I just subscribed to your e-mail.
we make our own compost!!
I recycle almost everything –paper, aluminum, tin, clothes, bottles, paper, etc.
.-= Carolsue´s last blog .. =-.
I subscribe to your blog’s newsletter by e-mail
.-= Carolsue´s last blog .. =-.
I posted your button on my Blog
.-= Carolsue´s last blog .. =-.
We’re cooking from scratch more. Originally this was to save money but I noticed how much less trash we have and I’m loving it!
We’ve been composting.
I’m helping the environment by using less electricity and only heating certain rooms rather than my whole house.
I stay green with recycling.
email subscriber
I follow Kroger on twitter