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Follow the steps below to make the most of your money saving journey.
1. Clean out your freezer, pantry and fridge.
Use a Freezer Inventory Template to get started.
2. Set your spending limits.
Determine what your weekly budget will be, you don’t know how much you have saved until you know how much you spent. See my 10-week Budgeting Series to get you started, or checkout the articles below on setting a grocery budget.
Budgeting Quick Tips
How to Set A Grocery Budget
Lowering Your Grocery Budget
Maximizing Your Grocery Budget
3. Create a meal plan.
See my Meal Planning Tips page for resources to make meal planning easy.
*Download a FREE Meal Planning Template here.
How I Fed Four Adults Under $5.00!
The Hour: How 60 Minutes Can Save You Hundreds
4. Stock ahead on staple items
Check out the articles below on tips to never paying full price again!
How Do I Start Stockpiling?
Stockpiling Tips
5. Use coupons strategically.
Never use a coupon unless an item is on sale or clearance, this is how you maximize your savings.
Couponing 101
How To Stockpile Coupons
5 Tips to Using Coupons
Weekly Store Deals Listing
How to Spot Fraudulent Coupons
7. Attend a Workshop
One of the best ways to optimize your success rate is to attend a Faithful Provisions Workshop, so you can get first hand information, tools and group discussion.
8. Listen or download the audio file (mp3 file)
Click on the link below to download the mp3 file or listen now.
Grocery Shopping 101 Audio Link (FREE – 1 hour)
9. Read the Frequently Asked Questions page.
Refer to this page to see our most frequently asked questions. Another way to get questions answered is to leave a comment on a post you like. Be sure to “subscribe to comments” to see what answers others give you.
10. Use Faithful Provisions to keep you updated on the latest deals!
You can follow Faithful Provisions deals in a variety of ways, just pick the best one that works for you below.
- subscribing via email – daily email updates
- join my page on Facebook
- watch my Monday TV segments on FOX17’s Tennessee Mornings
- following me on Twitter
- subscribing to my RSS Feed
- subscribing to my feed via a reader
Finding Things on Faithful Provisions
In addition, to the topics above I offer weekly posts and updated information on the following topics to help you out.
Posting Schedule: A schedule of when store deals are posted.
Menu Plan Monday: My weekly meal plan, with links and recipes.
Meal Planning: A page dedicated to helping you meal plan, full of resources!
Cooking 101: A recipe post designed to help you learn how to morph recipes and use what you have “on hand” – usually posted Tuesday through Thursday.
Freebies: Timely posts on FREE things you can get through promotions and coupons.
Coupons: A tab at the top of the website with links to: printable coupons, coupon databases (to find coupons), and loadable coupons.
Store Deals: Weekly updates on the best deals at the stores where you shop.