You love her Bible studies and teaching videos–how about a chance to see her upcoming simulcast?
This coming Saturday, September 15, women all over the world will gather in groups large and small to be a part of the one-day Beth Moore Living Proof Live simulcast event. Thousands of individuals will also take part in the simulcast from their own home computer, which is something that has never before been offered for Beth’s Living Proof events.
I love the name of Beth’s ministry: Living Proof. I’m definitely living proof that God faithfully provides. He provided for my family even when I couldn’t see what was going to happen or how He could possibly do it. He always has a plan. For me, Bible study and my daily quiet time each day are part of keeping my faith strong even when it is tested. I’m reminded each day of the Lord’s power and the fact that He is fully trustworthy. It also helps strengthen my faith when I can be a part of corporate worship and teaching, especially from an anointed Bible teacher like Beth Moore. That’s not always possible, but this simulcast certainly makes it so much more accessible for a busy mom, a hospital patient, a caregiver, or anyone at all to virtually attend and enjoy a very special event.
Today and tomorrow, I’m inviting you to enter for the chance to win a ticket to the simulcast. See all the details below.
Get more information about the simulcast HERE.
LifeWay is offering one ticket each to two randomly selected winners. The winners will be notifed on Tuesday, September 11, 2012.
Faithful Provisions Giveaway Disclosure: Lifeway sponsored this giveaway by providing two free codes for two winners to access the simulcast event. For more information about Faithful Provisions, please read my Disclosure Policy.
*One entry per person per method of entry per day. Be sure to enter a separate comment for each method of entry (one comment for Facebook, one comment for Twitter, etc.). This way you have a higher chance of winning.
**6 Entries per Person per Day
1. COMMENT: Leave a comment telling me why you are “living proof” of God’s love!
2. NEWSLETTER SIGN-UP: Subscribe to my Email Newsletter – even if you already receive it, add an entry as a comment below!
3. TWITTER: Follow Faithful Provisions Twitter.
4. FACEBOOK: Follow Faithful Provisions and Beth Moore Ministries on Facebook.
5. Tweet this: Enter to win a free ticket to the @lifeway Beth Moore Simulcast this Saturday from @faithfulprov.
6. Share this on your Facebook wall: Enter to win a free ticket to the @lifeway Beth Moore Simulcast this Saturday from @faithfulprov.
GIVEAWAY ENDS Monday, September 10, 2012, at 11:59 pm CST. The winners will be drawn using The winners will be notified via email.
Tweeted, liked and followed!! Thank you for the chance!!
No matter what stage I have been in, I know that God has never left my side and always waiting for me. I would love to win tickets so I continue on the path God has planned for me.
I am living proof of God’s love in many ways–I could have died at birth, I could have spent many years following my own desires, but He came to me when I was young. I could have spent my life in bitterness and unforgiveness, but His Spirit has helped me to forgive and move forward. God’s love is apparent to me every day! He is worthy of praise.
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With my decidedly checkered past, those that know me, know I’m Living Proof!! Praise God for His grace and goodness!
Liked Faithful Provisions and Living Proof on FB
I try to be living proof of God’s live to my kids. Trying to show them grace and mercy whenever I can.
So fun! Love Beth Moore-taking a “social media” break so no following or tweeting for me right now.
Our children are living proof of Gods love! He brings beauty from ashes.
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E Subscriber.
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E subscriber
I am living proof because Christ died for my sins and saved me from destruction.
I’m living proof of God’s love because he has rescued me from eternal judgement, which I deserve, and saved me through Jesus!
I am living proof of God’s love because I try to show unconditional love to my family as God shows His to me.
I receive Faithful Provisions newsletter
We are all Living Proof. We all have a story to tell, a testimony.
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I follow Beth Moore – Living Proof Ministries on FB.
I follow Faithful Provisions FB page!
I receive Faithful Provisions e-newsletter.
I am living proof of God’s love because I am able to love others, my children, my husband. We love because He first loved us!
I am proof of God’s love because I am able to love others, my husband, my kids. We love because He first loved us!
I am an e-subscriber. Also, I did not mean to send my previous response twice! I did the first one on my phone and it didn’t look like it went thru. Sorry!
I am living proof of his love because everyday he forgives me and draws me to Himself again. Everyday is a chance to be more like Him.
I receive your newsletter
I am trying to be living proof of God love everyday-by trying to show kindness and love
to my children, and their friends who come over every day to our home after school. I try to show kindness to the cashier in the grocery store and to the waitress at a resaturant!
Tweeted, liked, followed, etc!!!! Thank you so very much for all of the time and effort you put into your newsletters & website!! I love it! God bless you!!
I am living proof of God’s love because even though I continue to make mistakes he continues to show me His unconditional love. I don’t deserive His grace and mercy but because of this I can turn around and shoe others grave and mercy!
I am living proof of God’s love by showing grace and mercy to others. Even though I make mistakes He show His unconditonal love, grace and mercy to me so I can turn around and show it to others.
I follow you via emails
I follow faithcul provisions and beth moore on facebook. Didn’t mean to send a duplicate of the first. Didn’t think it went thru the fist time.
Shared on fb about the giveaway :o)
I am living proof of Gods provision!!!
Subscribed, followed on fb, posted on Facebook!
already a newsletter subscriber
facebook follower of both of you
I am proof of God’s generous love and blessings. My family and I have been going through some very tough waters lately. Every morning He is faithful to give me a word from His Word to encourage and strengthen me. I would love to attend the Beth Moore simulcast.
I show proof of God’s love in me by blessing others with the excess of what God has given me!
I subscribe to the daily newsletter.
God is always by my side!
I receive your newsletter.
I am a fan of your facebook page!
I follow both sites on Facebook.
A few years ago my life was turned right-side up, as I like to call it. I was a believer but with with no real intimate relationship with my heavenly Father. I struggled with depression and serious anger issues. The Lord poured His grace over my life and I was hit pretty hardly with a family crisis. My mother was diagnosed with Cancer which had metastasized and my father was imprisoned simultaneously. I was about to go away to college and these events obviously put a stop on all MY plans. I praise the Lord for this storm because through it I came to know His heart. He worked deeply in my heart and began to transform my mind, heart, and my character. His word became real to me and my daily source of sustenance. My depression was healed and through the miracle of forgiveness, so was my anger. It has been many years since and I have made it my life’s ambition to bring Him glory. I am living proof that He is the God who redeems, restores, and loves us eternally.
He saved a wretch like me, so I am “living-proof”. God is good all the time!
Because He brought me out of my Pit.
I am a new Christian and praise him each day for opening his loving arms and lifting me out of the pit I had fallen in.
I love that God has not waisted any hurts in my life. He lifts them up in His light and uses them to help others along my path.
Would be soooooooo happy to win tickets.
I am living proof of God’s love because He daily molds and remolds me. He refines me into the precious metal He sees even though I continue to fall short. He has saved me by grace thru faith.He does not and will not give up on me, therefore he will not give up on you, what other proof do we need?
I folllow faithful provisions & beth moore ministries on facebook
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I am living proof of God’s love because he saved me even though I didn’t deserve it.
I subscribed to your newsletters.
I follow Faithful Provisions on Twitter.
I follow Faithful Provisions and Beth Moore Ministries on Facebook.
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I shared on Facebook.
I follow you and Beth moore minstries:)
I shared it on FB:)
I am living proof because God never allows us to stay how we are, he cares to much to leave us alone, He is always changing me and guiding me and giving me wisdom that I could never have come up with myself.
I know that I am living proof of God’s love because He gave his only Son for me! Praise His name!
I receive your newsletter already.
I follow Faithful Provisions and Living Proof Ministries on Facebook.
I am living proof of God’s love as he has healed me from many of my hurts.
I’m on twitter follower
I’m a facebook follower for botth
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I follow you on FB.
I receive your e-mail letter.
I would like the book to re-read and as a reference. Thank you!