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There are some great deals on electronics today on Groupon Goods.
- $19 for a Sena Folio for iPad in Black Leather ($99.99 Value)
- $12 for One Logitech M305 wireless mouse in soft violet – including shipping ($29.99 value)
- $20 for Two Logitech M305 wireless mouse in soft violet – including shipping (a $59.98 value)
- $35 for a V-Touch Pro 4GB Video MP3 Player with Built-In FM Radio ($149 Value)
- $15 for Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security 2012 or Maximum Security Premium Edition 2012 Software (Up to 81% Off)
- $99 for a Coby Kyros Touchscreen Android Tablet ($179.99 Value)
Most of these deals are good for a few day, but several of them have limited quantities, so I wouldn’t wait if there’s a product you want. Click here to find more information and details!
Amazon has the same iPad case for $18.99 right now and you can just put the money you would spend on shipping for the Groupon and get something additional on Amazon.