Today only, CVS has a great offer for you to get a coupon for a $.99 Pepsi fridge pack! To get your $.99 Pepsi or Diet Pepsi fridge pack, just swipe your CVS card at the Price Checking Kiosk in the store for your coupon! This special offer is limited to 1 per coupon, and remember, it is good TODAY ONLY, Wednesday, 6/15/2011.
Thanks, Save at Home Mommy!
not everyone can get the .99 cent pepsi print out. I didnt get it when I went in .
Same here. : ( Made a special trip and no coupon.
The same thing happened to me. I asked an associate and she said that not everyone gets there coupon. She said it was a special deal that they gave to their most valuable card holders.
I was able to get the coupon but my friend was not as lucky. I do not drink Pepsi but was going to get it for her. We are going on a trip at the end of the month so we put it in our pile of things for the trip. So far we have gotten a few things for free or cheap for our trip which makes it even better. Thank you so much for all your hard work. I love your website and I make sure to look at it several times a day to make sure I don’t miss anything.
And I was just wdoneirng about that too!