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The new Kindle Fire 7″ 8GB will be released this Wednesday, September 30, 2015 for just $49.99! Pre-Order now to get the lowest price, if the price drops between now and Wednesday, with the pre-order, you will be guaranteed the lowest price before release!
If you are looking for a good Christmas present for your older kids, this is a great one at a wonderful price. The new Kindle Fire’s are kicking the iPad’s tail in price and the quality has greatly improved.
In addition to the release of the Kindle Fire 7″ 8GB on September 30, Amazon is also releasing a Fire HD 10, 10.1″ HD Display, Wi-Fi 16 GB for just $229. Pre-order your Fire HD 10 here. For the price and quality, this is MUCH cheaper than what you would pay for an iPad.