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…by the grace of God!
Lately, I have been getting so many questions and comments on how I do it all. “Wow, you are so organized and get so much done.” Well, I wish that were so. I think reading some of the things I do here, or passing along information on “good ideas” has led many of you to believe that I am some kind of “super woman”. Let me be the first to tell you, I AM NOT!! I have SO many unproductive days, a day starts out with good intentions and before I know it my husband is home, the house is a mess, and I have no idea how I am going to get dinner together before the kids need to get to bed. Can anybody relate?
I have been thinking of writing this post for a week now, and I went to my blog mentor (that is what I call her now!), Money Saving Mom / Biblical Womanhood / Mom of Littles.
:: I found this post which said everything I would ever hope to say, and a lot more.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did and find it a place of encouragement!
Is this post for me? I still want my personal “counseling” session some day!