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This last spring, my husband joined a men’s group and together, they began reading The Resolution for Men (this is the book that is connected with the movie Courageous). It’s been really neat to see what an impact that book had on him and the men in his group. He’s always been an amazing husband and father, but just watching him become even more committed to me and our family has been absolutely incredible. After seeing this amazing transformation among our husbands, the wives of the men in the group decided to create a group of our own and read The Resolution for Women together.
This book is a great read, but what I most appreciated about it is that it really hit all the different aspects of being a woman—all the things that are important in our lives. Author Priscilla Shirer is one of my favorites, and her glowing personality really shines through this book. It was a breeze to read, and I usually read ahead because I enjoyed it so much.
There are some books that I am content to just check out from my library and read, but there are others that I like to own personally, so that I can dog ear them and mark them up. The Resolution for Women was one of those books for me. I really marked this book up! You can barely even read some sections because of all the highlighting I did, but it is going on my shelf so that I can have it to use as a reference. I highly encourage you to get your own copy. I’m sure that I will be turning to mine again and again.
At the end of each chapter, there are questions and ideas for things you can do to make each resolution your own, making this a great fall study to do with a group of women. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.
Have you read The Resolution for Women? I’d love to know your thoughts!