Yes, you can freeze eggs! My friend Jennifer found an article in the latest Weight Watchers that explains how:
To freeze eggs, crack them open into a bowl and break up yolks by stirring. Pour into ice cube trays and freeze overnight. Transfer egg “cubes” to an airtight container [my note: a freezer bag works great!] and store for up to a year. Bonus: You can thaw the cubes individually and make as many servings of eggs as you need.
This is a great little trick, whether you are taking advantage of a store savings deal, or if your hens are laying faster than your family can keep up with them. Just put some in the freezer and pull them out as needed.
Try these easy and delicious quiche recipes:
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Source: Weight Watchers Sept/Oct 2011, p. 83
Photo Credit: 5 Acres and a Dream
This is wonderful news! How often I have been given farm fresh eggs in abundance and had to give away and bake a lot to use them up! Thank for sharing!
Great idea; thanks for sharing
— is one “egg cube” roughly equivalent to one egg?
Sophie, I guess it depends on what kind of ice cube tray you have, but I have found that one cube is not quite a medium-size egg. I go by 2 cubes = 1 large egg. If you try it, let me know what you think.
How is that possible? 12 eggs… 12 spots on the ice cube tray. Maybe the whole dozen doesn’t fit in the tray? Seems like it would work out right though.
I plan to use silicone muffin bakeware – 2 eggs per muffin spot – should pop out easily to store after freezing! This works great for freezing portions of buttermilk for future recipes.
What is the best way of defrosting the eggs? Do you put them in the fridge for a while…defrost in microwave? Thanks for all you do and can’t wait to hear!
Defrost either in fridge or on counter, or put it in a ziploc bag and then in cold water. Not microwave, that will cook them.
Kelly, my eggs won’t pop out of the ice cube trays! Help! Should I maybe sit the trays in a little bit of warm water? They’re so stuck, my trays are cracking.
this might be too late
but, if you turn the tray upside down and run hot water over the bottom, they should pop out nicely. I do this with lots of things that I freeze – I freeze sauces, baby food, homemade stock – all kinds of things in tupperware type containers and then pop out into a freezer bag – that way I can have larger portions if I like.