Okay, so now you are sold. You want to do a Kitchen Prep Day, but you have no idea where to start. Here is my step by step plan for executing a productive and fruitful prep day.
First, you must know it is all about the planning. Without a plan, it will not only be a disaster, but you will waste a lot of time and effort if you don’t have all the ingredients and tools you need. Plus there is the timing part.
So a few days before you plan your prep day begin the following:
:: Make a Menu
Make an exhaustive list of all the items you want to make during your prep day time.
:: Gather the Recipes
Pull a recipe for each menu item you want to make. Read through them and get an idea of oven temps, mixing bowls and other things that you might use across the different recipes.
:: Write a Grocery List
Read through each recipe and make a list of all the items you don’t have on hand. Even if you think you have vanilla, be sure to double check that you have enough for each recipe. Trust me, I have had to go to the grocery right in the middle of a prep day. Not fun.
:: Have a Prep List
Look through each recipe and plan out a step by step plan of each thing you need to do. For example, cut onions, grind wheat berries, etc.
:: Have a Plan for your Kids!
You have a couple of options here. Option 1…If you have a parent, sister or someone who can play with the children while you are working, that is best. Option 2…Plan out ways to incorporate the kids in your day by helping, or have activities they can do I while you work.
:: Finalize the Master Plan
At this point, you are just listing in order all the tasks you need to do to get each recipe completed. For instance, after you make the muffin mix and put it in the oven, start mixing the dough for cinnamon rolls.
:: Grocery Shop
Make your final grocery trip and get ready to cook!
It’s much easier to udenrastnd when you put it that way!