Photo Courtesy of I
There is a HOT deal going on right now at Kmart. ..
Buy any Leap Frog book, game or learning toy you’ll get a $5 Catalina good on your next $5+ Leap Frog book, game or learning toy purchase! What makes this deal even better are the clearanced Leap Frog Toys and all the Leap Frog coupons that are currently available!
— purchased the above items using the following coupons and by “rolling” her catalinas into the next purchase with a coupon! She was able to score everthing pictured above for just over $26! Here are the coupons that are currently available for Leap Frog Toys:
Holy leapfrog toys batman….
I just hope your readers don’t clear all the shelves before I can make it to kmart tomorrow lol. I have a little girl whose birthday is coming up october 25th then there is Christmas…and said little girl is now running a fever and has tonsils the size of shooter marbles…back to the doctor i go tomorrow
pray for her please.
Just got back from Kmart this morning, nothing there. My store must have done it extra early! Oh well, better luck next time.
Do you know if you can use the $3/1 toy coupon for the storage case? I want to get this for my little one but didn’t want to pay full price.
I am pretty sure you can use it for the storage case Kristen.
Just got back from Kmart. I mainly went to scope out what they had, and see what coupons I needed.
I ended up getting the Kung Fu Panda tag book for $1.27. It was on clearance for $6 extra 20% off clearance made it $4.80, minus $4 coupon….plus good ole CA sales tax. Plus I got the $5 catalina. I plan to go back tomorrow with another couple of coupons tomorrow. See what else I can get prettty cheap.
Thanks so much for the heads up.
Just got back from Kmart. They had 3 or 4 tag books on clearance. I paid .66 for each book. But, so sad they did not have the anything else on clearance. So, I walk away happy to have paid 1.98 + tax for 3 books! The cashier allowed me to do separate transactions and use the catalina that printed out on that transaction. Very nice of her indeed.