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Good news – Kmart Super Double Coupons are back starting June 7th through June 13th!
Manufacturer coupons up to $2 in face value will be doubled for a savings of up to $4.
Unfortunately, my area hasn’t had them in a while, but maybe this time!
Here are the rules:
- Double Manufacturer Coupons up to $2
- Does not include Kmart Store Coupons
- Does not include Kmart Pharmacy Store Coupons
- Does not include copies of manufacturer coupons
- Limit 10 total coupons per customer per day
- Doubled up to current retail price of a single item (no overages)
Go and check the online ad to see if your local store is participating. However, we know that hasn’t always bee accurate in the past. So if you want to know for sure, I’d suggest emailing help@customerservice.kmart.com to request the list for your state or calling your local stores.
:: Go here to find a store near you.
Please leave a comment with the stores that are participating in your area. Heather with NWA Deals already shared that all stores in AR, OK and MO are participating, and Krazy Coupon Lady confirmed that all ID stores are participating as well!
Thanks Deal Seeking Mom!
I e-mailed Kmart customer service, and their reply was that “only the Kingsport and Johnson City K-mart stores will be participating in this event in Tennessee, and will double coupons up to $2.00 with a 10 coupon limit per person per day.”
I live in Nashville, so not good for me, but maybe it will be useful for someone else.