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Here are the best deals at Kroger this week. It’s been a long time, but they’re having a Mega Event this week! Purchase 5 participating items 7 get $5 off at checkout.
Cars 2 Mega Event
*Purchase 5 Participating Items and Save $5 at Checkout (prices below reflect discount)
NOTE: You can typically do 3 deals in 1 transaction. If you have more deals, you will need to do more transactions.
Are you new to shopping at Kroger? Checkout the Faithful Provisions Store Guide to help you get the best deals at Kroger.
Weekly contributor in BeCentsable’s Grocery Gathering
Did you post Kroger deals for your area? If so, please free free to leave your finds in a comment below. Since Kroger prices and deals vary by region and they have a Family of Stores, this will be a resource to find Kroger (and Family of Stores) deals for any area! To keep it easy to find your local deals, use this example for listing your post. i.e.) Cincinnati, OH -Kroger (Mommy Snacks), or San Diego – Ralph’s (Faithful Provisions).
I’m fairly new to couponing, so I’m still trying tofigure all this out. On the OldSpice, how do you get the price down to 1.25 each? I understand the free bodywash coupon, but is the Sale price of $3.50 for two products or $3.50 each? Thanks for your help.
You use the B1G1 coupon & the $1/2 coupon….at the same time…(some krogers wont allow this, and some do)
I still don’t get this deal. If the B1G1 is for the free bodywash, how can you get the 1.25 price on deodorant?
It will be 2 items for $7. When you use the BOGO coupon, it will bring your total down to $3.50. If your store allows you to use a “$ off” coupon with a BOGO, then you can use $1/1 to bring the total down to $2.50. Divide this by two items, and it makes them $1.25 each. HTH!
I just did this deal at kroger and they let me use both coupons and I even got the deo that was on sale at my store for 2.29 ea instead of 350 each and my total was still 3.58 before tax not 250!! I dont understand. because the total of the 2 deos was 4.58 and I used the 1 off as stated to make it 3.58 and got the body wash completely free which still makes each deo 1.79 not 1.25 and I got the cheaper old spice instead of the 2 for 7 old spice! If i had done the 2 for 7 as u stated then I would have used a dollar off and it would have been $6 with a free body wash which is $3 each not 1.25. Bc the BOGO coupon is for buy one deo get one body wash free. So confused??
I got a good one! Chiquita Apple Bites (Single). 2/$1. Plus $1 cpn (Exp. 6/18) = FREE
Where did you get the chiquita apple bites coupon?
What part of Tennessee are you in because my sales change on Wednesday’s?
You can get free Field bologna. There is a 0.50 off coupon that doubles to $1. The bologna is on sale for $1.
Where did you find the coupon for fisher’s ? Thanks in advance
I meant to type Field LOL
its in one of the ads that came out this past week.. i wanna say smart source
I have a question I’m really confused about. I live in North Nashville and get my coupons from the Tennessean, which is where I’m assuming you get your coupons. But about 50/50 of the time when I check my inserts for the dates you’re putting up, there’s no coupon like that in my RPs or SSs. Why would that be? Would they change the coupons for the different sections of town?
Question!! on the Gillete deoderant i have a bogo coupon and a 1.00 off can do this?
Gillette or Old Spice Deodorant – $3.50
? would make them .75 for me if they allow it? I live in Mississippi so im not sure as to what I can get away with but sure would be a nice deal for me and my granny if we could haha!
Ashley – if you buy 2 items, you may only use 2 coupons. So you may use the BOGO and one $1 coupon OR both $1 coupons. If you buy 3 items you could use all 3 coupons. Hope that helps!
So I am seeing Target coupons on Kroger Deals. Can you use Target coupons other places? I thought they were just for Target!
Target has both manufacturer & Target store coupons on their website. If a coupon is listed with “TARGET Coupon” behind the description, it is a store coupon. Otherwise, it is a manufacturer’s coupon with a Target logo on it. They should be able to be used anywhere since they are a manufacturer’s coupon, however some Kroger stores may not accept them.
Where is the Wonderful pistachios coupon on the rolling? I would love to print this coupon out!!!