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In the Kroger deals for this week, I posted about the great deal on General Mills Cereal. In my region, the deal offers $6 off at checkout wyb any 4 participating items. However, it appears that this is a regional deal in Tennessee. Many other regions will get 2 FREE gallons of milk wyb any 4 participating cereals. Have you noticed a different GM deal in your region? Let me know the offer in your area!
Find my complete list of Kroger Weekly Deals and Coupons on Faithful Provisions.
I live in Kentucky, and the deal is buy four GM cereals, get 2 free gallons of milk, including chocolate!
From what I have seen online, it depends on if you live in a dairy state. I am happy with the $6 off in Nashville. We never buy, much less use, a full gallon of milk,
I live in Georgia and it’s 2 gallons of milk. You could always freeze the milk.
Mt. Vernon, Illinois Kroger has the 2 gallons of milk free (which was actually more like $7 off my bill). For me it was great because we will drink those 2 gallons! Yeah.
Alabama has the two free gallon offer.
Ohio has buy 4 get 2 milks free.
I had a surprise in my Kroger envelope last night when preparing to do this deal. I had gotten a $2/5 Catalina from earlier in the month that I had left in the envelope and forgotten about. I was able to use it on this deal making it just a little sweeter.
But then, I got another $2/5 Catalina when I did this GM deal last night! So this catalina is still running!! I was using my $1/2 coupons to get some various GM cerials, but had no intention of using my Cheerios $.50/1 coupons since we don’t really care for them.
Anyway, after getting home, I did the math on using this Catalina combined with this sale and my unused Cheerios coupons to possibly buy our church food pantry some supplies and it’s too good to pass up. So I’ll go this afternoon and do the following deal. Hopefully you guys can get this deal too and possibly help out your family or food bank or both.
Since the price of $2.99/box gets discounted to $1.49/box after the $6 discount for buying 4 and I have 8 $0.50/1 Cheerios coupons and the $2/5 Catalina plus my Kroger doubles, my plan is to buy 8 Cherrios for $.49 ea after coupons, so my total will be $3.92 less the $2 Catalina for a final total of $1.92 or $.24 each.
Technically I should get another $2/5 Catalina when I check out, if this promotion is still running today, potentially making these free if I can use it before it expires, but the good news is the church will get 8 boxes of much needed supplies for its food pantry which goes to help those in need!
For those of you that don’t have 8 coupons, and perhaps only have four. You could still do this deal. Buy four GM using the $1/2 which covers many varieties and get the $2/5 Catalina in transaction 1, then buy 5 Cheerios with the 4 $.50/1 getting them doubled and the Catalina. Even at a price of $2.99 for the fifth box you’ll get it reduced by the Cat to a $1 and pay $.49 each on the other four. The first four boxes will cost you $1 each, but the next 5 boxes of Cheerios will cost you less than $3!
PS The reason I can get 8 coupons is because instead of buying the big publishers Sunday paper (here its the Memphis Commercial Appeal which is $2 on Sunday), I buy my small suburban paper which doesn’t even have weekend copies. It puts the SS coupons into its Friday edition which is only $.50, so I buy 8 for the same cost as buying two of the others. Try this idea for getting extra coupons without busting your budget. If you are new to couponing, you’ll quickly find that you need multiple coupons to take advantage of deals like this one where you need coupons for 4 products to get the deal.
God Bless!!