hi would any of you winners getting to go early be willing to post Thurs. night if you see any toys (esp. mini legos for a 5-6 year old) b/c i'd like to go Friday to get some if they have any but wasn't going to try to secure child care and break my neck to get out there if they didn't have any…..thanks and have fun!
you are so sweet to offer…..i hate to take you away from your shopping time….if you happen to have time to swing by the toys and see the mini legos….it'd be really helpful if you could just post that Thurs nite..(i.e. if there are any left alot/a litte?)…My son loves legos…needs to play with them to work on his small motor skills and he would love even just a bag of odd's and ends pieces…..it doesn't have to be a kit….the kits can be expensive at the stores and he'd be just as happy just to create whatever his mind comes up with….thanks so much!!
Yay, I won! Can't wait to shop!
Emailed you my info for the pass. Thanks again!!
I'm so excited!
hi would any of you winners getting to go early be willing to post Thurs. night if you see any toys (esp. mini legos for a 5-6 year old) b/c i'd like to go Friday to get some if they have any but wasn't going to try to secure child care and break my neck to get out there if they didn't have any…..thanks and have fun!
Hey there – Do you want me to call you from the sale Thursday night?
you are so sweet to offer…..i hate to take you away from your shopping time….if you happen to have time to swing by the toys and see the mini legos….it'd be really helpful if you could just post that Thurs nite..(i.e. if there are any left alot/a litte?)…My son loves legos…needs to play with them to work on his small motor skills and he would love even just a bag of odd's and ends pieces…..it doesn't have to be a kit….the kits can be expensive at the stores and he'd be just as happy just to create whatever his mind comes up with….thanks so much!!
There weren't any small legos but several sets of the larger ones that are “Mega Blocks.” Lots of toys to choose from overall…
thanks so much!
thanks so much!
Congrats to the winners